So we start off at the Bar where everyone's setting up for a costume party. Ernie tells the kids to start working faster. Bulk's line?
Bulk: Work? We're out of here.
Classic. But they get stuck helping out anyway.
After some interactions between Zack and Angela and Kimberly and Tommy, Bulk accidentally tips some chairs over, causing a cartoony chain reaction that ends with a can of paint on his head. Oddly enough, it works.
We cut to the moon where Finster mentions that they're going to be making new Super Putties. But it'll take time, so Rita orders Finster to make a monster to distract the Rangers while they make the Super Putties. Finster does so and creates...Frankenstein's Monster?! Seriously, Finster created his own version of the Frankenstein Monster! That's just...wow. I mean, yeah, it fits with the whole Halloween theme this episode is heading towards, but it seems like a really cheap cop-out to me.
We cut to Billy's garage where the group is dressed up for the party. For those who care, Kimberly is a princess, Zack is a pharaoh, Billy is Sherlock Holmes, Trini is Pocahontas, and Jason is Robin Hood. I think. Anyway, Jason tells the group that Tommy's costume isn't finished, hence why he'll show up later. And you know he will. The group then heads to the party.
We then cut to either Bulk or Skull's house (I'm guessing Bulk's, since he's using one of those weird band things that were supposed to help you lose weight. If you saw what I was talking about, you'd get it) where the two are trying to think of costumes for the upcoming costume contest. We see the two as Peter Pan and Captain Hook respectively, then the classic two-part horse costume, then Skull as Young Elvis and Bulk as Fat-I mean OLD Elvis. Oddly enough, Skull makes a good Elvis. All while the Frankenstein Monster wanders around outside their window. Not creepy at all.
We then move to the Bar where the party is going on. Zack tries to ask Angela to dance, but gets shot down.
Zack: Not even a king is good enough for that girl!
I think you're letting the title go to your head there, your Highness.
Ernie shows up as Dracula, then wonders how Trini and Kimberly figured out it was him. Gee, it was so freaking hard. Bulk and Skull show up dressed as punks, which is, of course, no different than their usual outfits. Then, Alpha shows up. Billy of course has a problem with it, but it is a costume party, so Alpha blends right in. We then see how well this concept works, as the Frankenstein Monster walks in, but Ernie just assumes it's a really good costume.
We cut to a cave for a minute as Finster is getting the materials for the Super Putties. I guess he needs to mine the clay from a cave that just so happens to be on Earth, despute him being an alien. Back at the party, girls are all over Alpha due to his costume. It's official, Zack. Someone upstairs hates you. Abandon all hope now. They see the Frankenstein Monster, and Billy, suspecting something is up, goes into his Sherlock role and decides to investigate. The Monster wanders around growling and grunting until he gets pulled onto the dance floor by someone. The Monster keeps swiping at his would-be dance partner, but she's apparently an idiot and just thinks he's dancing. The Monster gets pissed and throws the girl onto Bulk and Skull. Oddly enough, they decide to pick a fight with the Monster. Naturally, he tries tossing Skull around. He eventually chases the two of them out of the Bar, with Billy following him.
We cut to a park somewhere where the Monster is wandering around, Billy sneaking behind him. He's eventually led to the cave where Finster is making the Super Putties. Rita arrives and orders Finster to finish the process. Apparently, Rita has access to lazer-detection security, because Billy trips in wandering in, and Rita sends the Monster after him. Billy decides to apply his usual technobabble skills by saying "It's time for molecular transmutation", rather than the expected phrase. As in, he morphs and fights the Monster, who can apparently use the bolts in his neck as weapons. They fight for a bit while Rita rips a fissure in the Earth, flying out of it on a giant ball of Putty clay to threaten the people. The cave starts collapsing, so Billy runs out.
Back at the Bar, Ernie is trying to calm the crowd down during an earthquake. Billy arrives demorphed and fills the others in on the situation. They head to the Command Center and Zordon fills them in. While Alpha appears and does pretty much nothing. I don't get it either. They try and contact Tommy for help. Turns out he was just arriving at the Bar, and Putties decide to attack him. This is enough of a delay for Zordon to tell the others to go on without him. They morph and head out to fight the Monster.
They fight for a bit with the Monster having the clear upper hand, and being surprisingly agile for one so stiff. Rita then makes the Monster grow, so the Rangers summon the DinoZords and form the MegaZord. The two fight for a bit as the Monster pulls out a ball-and-chain as his new weapon. The Rangers summon the Power Sword or MegaSword or whatever it is this week, but that does nothing to the Monster and they get smacked around some more.
Tommy finishes off the Putties that were attacking him (it's Tommy, remember?) and gets the call from Zordon. He morphs and joins the fight. The Monster smacks the MegaZord around some more and just throws it around. Tommy summons the DragonZord, but it doesn't help and the Monster just smacks both Zords around some more. The MegaZord separates and they form the DragonZord Battle Mode. They fight for a bit and the Monster still has the upper hand, even deflecting some weird boomerang move the DragonZord uses. The group gives up and just drills a hole in him with the Power Staff, which finishes him off. Poor Rita gets another headache.
Back at the Bar, the group arrives in time to finish the party. Tommy runs off to change into his costume. We see Alpha hanging around the girls some more (who knew he was such a pimp?), and Bulk and Skull wonder who he is. All of a sudden, the Frankenstein Monster comes back!...but it's just Tommy in his costume. Ernie arrives to declare the winner of the costume contest, which is Alpha. Bulk gets annoyed and tries to find out who Alpha is. Alpha runs off with his gaggle of girls and Bulk and Skull behind him. Expected group laugh to end the episode.
Oddly enough, this one wasn't bad. The plot wasn't too weird and they introduced the concept of the Super Putties, so at least Rita's improving her efforts. Their Frankenstein Monster looked pretty weird, but you could still tell what it was, so no real problems there. But the problem with it was that the Monster was too invincible. The MegaZord attacked it with its sword dead on and it did nothing to it. Even the DragonZord Battle Mode got smacked around easily until it used its drill once. Not exactly believable. Overall, not bad, but that's probably because I'm a sucker for old-school monster movies. If you fall into that category, then this'll probably be a guilty pleasure episode for you.
I don't know why I'm bothering to show you a picture of the Rangers version of the Frankenstein Monster. I guess it's just because it's become a tradition.
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