So we start off with...*sigh* Principal Kaplan...directing a rehearsal for the school play, which happens to be the fairy tale Rumpelstiltskin. Naturally, Kimberly has the role of the princess and Jason as the king. Bulk, for some inexplicable reason, is playing the role of Rumpelstiltskin, and completely ignores his lines. Kaplan, being the douche he is, is more concerned with Bulk forgetting his costume, which Bulk passes off as "bringing a touch of the 90's". Anyway, they continue the bit for a while until Bulk messes around with the spinning wheel a bit, which somehow causes enough gale force winds to knock Kaplan's toupee off of his head. Kimberly gets majorly pissed at Bulk for apparently breaking the wheel, which belongs to her grandmother. Although it looks fine. Yeah, let's just pass this off as an excuse for Kimberly to have a conflict with Bulk. Not that she doesn't already.
After briefly cutting to the moon to have Rita explain that the wheel will be important to her new plot (somehow), we cut to the Juice Bar, with Kim being upset still about the wheel. Tommy walks up and asks her what's wrong. Dude, you were IN THE ROOM when the wheel broke! I mean, OK, he might not think that Kim would be THAT upset about it, but come on, YOU WERE THERE! Anyway, Tommy, being Mr. Knight-In-Shining-Armor and all, offers to fix the wheel for Kim, and the two leave to go look at it.
We cut to the moon again where Goldar provides his usual bit of exposition: capture the wheel and transform it into the Wheel Of Misfortune. Please tell me this involves some evil version of Wheel Of Fortune. Goldar and some Putties teleport down to the school and nab the wheel before disappearing. Kim and Tommy walk in and see the wheel gone, so they head back to the Juice Bar and ask all of six people, Bulk and Skull included, about where the wheel went, before throwing their hands up in defeat.
We then see Rita transforming the wheel into a larger wheel with spikes on it, Kimberly explaining the situation to the other Rangers, and Goldar explaining that he sent the Putties after Tommy, all within a few seconds before we cut to Tommy in the park, who starts to fight off the aforementioned Putties. Of course he fights them off easily, until he stupidly focuses on getting his Morpher from his gym bag, allowing the Putties to trip him and tie him up. Which doesn't make any sense, since Tommy beat groups of Putties alone before and.....you know what? They don't care anymore, so I don't either. Let's just move on.
Zordon contacts the other Rangers and they teleport to the Command Center. He explains that the Wheel of Misfortune can apparently destroy whatever it touches, and that Rita has captured Tommy to make things harder for the Rangers. And by that, he means provide a reasonable excuse this time as to why Tommy wasn't with the group from the start. He then says that Goldar and Scorpina are attacking the Earth, so the Rangers morph and head out to fight them.
They fight for a short amount of time before Rita appears and makes the two grow. The Rangers summon the DinoZords, but before they can form the MegaZord, Goldar traps the Tyrannosaurus in a net, allowing Goldar and Scorpina the opportunity to just wail on him. The others try to help, but fail.
After a brief bit from the Command Center that pretty much says nothing, we cut to the park where Tommy is. The Putties are distracted by his gym bag, giving Tommy the chance to stretch the apparently flimsy ropes across the tree he's tied up to, eventually breaking them. He pretends to be sick to lure the Putties over, then jumps up and kicks their asses. He gets his Communicator and Zordon fills him in, so he morphs and arrives at the battle.
Tommy summons the DragonZord and it frees Jason from the oh-so-dangerous net. The Wheel of Misfortune finally appears and it attacks the two Zords. Jason just has the group form the MegaZord and summon the Power Sword. The MegaZord fights the Wheel (which is spitting off sparks for some reason), while the DragonZord fights Goldar and Scorpina. Jason gets annoyed and summons Titanus, who I forgot to mention has a cool entrance of appearing out of a misty forest. They form the UltraZord (skipping the MegaDragonZord part entirely) and they destroy the Wheel. Goldar, Scorpina, and Rita all retreat as we see just the MegaZord (for some reason) pose in victory. Goldar, again, vows revenge.
We then cut to the school as the Rangers arrive, the wheel suddenly teleporting back to its original spot and magically being fixed. Zordon calls them and explains that Rita's spell was broken, returning it to its original spot. Well, OK, but what about it being fixed? Can you explain that Zordon? Huh? HUH? Anyway, later that night, Bulk and Skull are watching TV in what appears to be the supply closet, when a news report interrupts the program to tell them, hey, the Rangers are awesome and they saved the day again. What earth-shattering news. Kaplan shows up and berates them for being late for the play, and drags them off. The play continues (by the by, Skull is apparently the court jester) as Kimberly asks for Rumpelstiltskin. I'm going to ignore the fact that she's not supposed to know his name until the final act, since apparently this is the worst written play in history. Anyway, Bulk misses his cue, pissing Kim off some more. He makes it onto the set, and ignores his lines, again. He then splits his pants in front of everyone, causing the crowd to laugh, and somehow ending the play, as Kimberly curtsies and the episode ends.
This one was just...well, it was there. Bulk and Skull were back to being nasty instead of funny, which is rarely entertaining. The subplot with the wheel seemed to only serve as an explanation for the monster-of-the-week. And the monster didn't do much of anything until the end, and even then, it hardly mattered. This just seemed like a paint-by-numbers episode. Stupid crap in the beginning, occupy Tommy for a bit, bring the monsters, have them fight, have the monsters grow, bring out the robots, bring Tommy, beat the monsters, end episode. Just avoid this one.
Behold, the Wheel of Misfortune. The laziest monster design ever.
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