Friday, December 31, 2010

Power Rangers Season 1 Episode 42 - Lions And Blizzards

Last time, we reached a new level in unoriginality, as a monster was recycled to kill time while the footage for the rest of the filler could arrive. How sad is it that this could actually be an upgrade from the last episode? Let's take a look.


So we start off at the park during an event called "Oddball Games". These supposed "Oddball Games" include tire-hopping, sack racing, wheelbarrow-running, and eventually, a tug-of-war. Soooooo, what are so "Oddball" about these games? I'm sure you'll be surprised to find out that the aforementioned tug-of-war consists of our heroes on the red team, and Bulk, Skull, Angela, and two people no one knows or cares about are on the blue team, with the prize being the way-too-cool-trophy-for-this-shit, the Noble Lions Cup. Rita sees said trophy and thinks "holy shit, that thing is so awesome I'm gonna corrupt it and make it into a monster!". Can you blame her?

As I'm sure you're shocked to discover, our heroes win the tug-of-war and Bulk and Skull get facefuls of mud. Our heroes are overjoyed at winning the Lions...

Wait, what did Zack just say?




.....I'm sorry, what now?



Zack, what are you on? What happened to you in your childhood? What has caused you to conjure up such a phrase? I will be pondering the meaning behind this phrase forever. I can't even begin to imagine how many nights I will lie awake, wondering what this means or why it was said. My life, as I know it, is over.

You have ruined my life, Walter Jones. Fuck you. Fuck you very much.

And your character helping Angela up, thereby showing character development, can't change that.

Afterwards, the group discovers that the trophy is missing. They instantly assume Bulk and Skull are behind it and go to look for them. Well, that's not very nice! Sure, Bulk and Skull aren't exactly model citizens but they wouldn't resort to something like-oh, wait, wait, they did take the trophy. Well, so much for character development.

Goldar sends some Putties down to the divided Rangers to distract them, which leads to Jason and Kimberly kicking ass. Incidentally, I think this is the first time they played that "Fight" song that would come on during the Putty battles. I could be wrong on that, though. The other Rangers kick ass as well, before going to regroup with Jason and Kim.

We cut back to Bulk and Skull, who are too busy cleaning the mud off of their faces to keep an eye on the trophy, which means Rita is free to transform it into the monster Goatan. Ugh. Why couldn't they call a half-lion, half-goat monster the Chimera? They didn't have a problem with using the Minotaur, or the Frankenstein Monster. Why Goatan? Just...ugh. Bulk and Skull see the monster, crap themselves, and run for it, as expected.

We then move to the Juice Bar where Jason and Zack are sparring, Zack a little bummed that the trophy is gone. Kim then comes over and mentions that Angela was looking for him. Zack says that he's pretty much given up on Angela, which then leads into Angela walking over, romantic music playing, and asking Zack out on a date. To say the group is stunned is an understatement. Zack, naturally, accepts. Any guesses on how this will eventually turn out? I'm betting the farm on "badly".

We learn from Zordon that Goatan can control the weather, which could severely damage the planet's ecosystem. I'm assuming as much, since Zordon never explains why the newest crisis is a crisis. The storming gets so bad that Angel Grove gets a tornado warning, leading the group to believe that something isn't quite right. Zordon confirms their suspicions, and they teleport to the Command Center. Zordon fills them in on the situation, while Alpha tries to contact Zack. Since he and Angela are sitting in a loud theater, he doesn't hear his communicator. Or maybe he's too distracted with his failed attempts at getting with Angela. Or both. The Rangers morph without Zack and go to fight Goatan.

The fight with Goatan is sadly one-sided. Goatan just smacks the Rangers around, even pulling out his own bow to match Kimberly's. After zapping them with eye-lazers, which involves the same shot reversed right after the original, Goatan summons some red tornado thing to trap the Rangers. It's a really weird effect and I couldn't even tell what was going on the first time I saw it. We cut back to the theater where, just when it seems like Zack is getting somewhere with Angela, he finally hears his communicator. He excuses himself and heads into the hall, where he contacts Alpha and morphs to join the fight. He saves the group and beats down Goatan, because I guess the power of blue balls is enough of a motivator for any man. Rita makes Goatan grow, so the Rangers summon the DinoZords and form the MegaZord.

For some reason, Goatan is making it snow. Don't know why, it doesn't really add anything to the fight. He then freezes the MegaZord and pulls out...a hockey stick? A HOCKEY STICK?!! To confuse me further, the MegaZord starts spinning around, which not only somehow unfreezes it, but confuses Goatan enough to leave him open for the finishing blow, after summoning the Power Sword. Another headache for Rita, only this one is for me too.

Back at the Command Center, Zordon congratulates the Rangers for defeating Goatan, but Zack remembers his date with Angela and teleports away. He comes back just in time for Angela to dump popcorn on his head and leave him at the theater. Ouch. We move to the Juice Bar long enough to see the return of Bulk and Skull, covered in mud, we get another spill gag, and the episode ends.


So yeah. Filler. I could stop there and that would be satisfactory. There was so little in this episode. Besides continuing the Zack/Angela subplot, pretty much nothing really happened. Zack's character didn't develop at all, nor did any of the Rangers', and the only things that I'll remember from this episode is that Goatan used a HOCKEY STICK, and...that phrase. Just skip this, you'll be better off.


Oh, forgot to mention. When Alpha referred to Goatan, he called it a "shimura" monster. much wrong with that.

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