So we start off at the school with Zack giving Billy a pair of sunglasses, which is for their work in the science lab. We then immediately jump to the moon. Wait, Zedd has a plan for the sunglasses? Apparently, yes. He says he'll cast a spell on them that will alter Billy and Zack's vision so that they see the other Rangers as Z-Putties and attack them. And yes, this spell will remain even if Billy and Zack take the glasses off. See, Zedd thinks of everything, doesn't he?
He casts the spell on the glasses and they put them on, altering their vision so they see Tommy, Jason, and Kim as Z-Putties. And here we see a fatal flaw in the plan: They can still understand their speech. I get that seeing Putties would freak you out quite a bit, but doesn't the fact that they're speaking in the same voices as your friends strike you as a bit odd? Well, maybe they can't and that's just the viewers, but either way, Douchelan arrives and Zack and Billy assume the Putties are attacking him, leading to a collision. Douchelan gets pissy and assigns Zack and Billy detention.
Meanwhile, Bulk and Skull continue on their quest to discover the Rangers' identities. Skull mentions something about recording people's voices, so I guess they're going to match people's voices to the Rangers', which they overheard. Not bad. Bulk says that everyone is a suspect. Leading to this little bit.
Bulk and Skull: *look at each other for a moment, then shake their heads* Nah.
Despite their plans, they still aren't exactly that bright, are they?
Ms. Appleby asks the duo to feed the class pet iguana while she goes and prepares today's test, which they do by dumping the entire box of food in. Of course, Zedd picks this as the opportunity needed to transform the iguana into today's monster, the Saliguana. It's actually a pretty cool looking monster, from what I've seen of it. Another little bit I like:
Bulk: *very calmly to Skull* I think we may have overfed it.
*the two then look at Saliguana, scream, and run out*
After that, Ms. Appleby's class gets ready for the test, as Zack and Billy start to realize that something isn't quite right. See, they CAN still understand the others, which makes earlier even more confusing. Skull accidentally plays back Ms. Appleby's voice on his recorder, which leads to him and Bulk getting detention and Ms. Appleby confiscating the equipment. Billy realizes that Zedd put a spell on them, which leads to Bulk and Skull swiping the sunglasses and putting them on, leading to them getting hit with the spell. They see Zack and Billy as the Z-Putties and run out.
Zedd then sends down some real Z-Putties to add to the confusion. Zack and Billy meet up with the real Z-Putties, leading to an easy attack on the Z-Putties' part. Things only get worse when the other Rangers arrive and get mixed in with the Z-Putties. They still fight them off, but Zack almost attacks Trini in the mix-up. They explain the situation to the others and they all teleport to the Command Center for help.
Once there, Zordon fills them in on the Saliguana, who just happens to be a fire-breathing lizard monster. Billy offers to make a device that can counter its fire-breathing, and Zack decides to help him, while Alpha works on a way to break the spell. Back at Billy's garage, the two work on something to freeze Saliguana, due to it being cold-blooded. Trini arrives and says she has an experiment she wants to try. She morphs and they discover that the spell doesn't work when the Rangers are morphed. Saliguana attacks, so Trini teleports away, Zack and Billy morph, as do Kim and Jason, Tommy staying behind due to low power.
They take on some Z-Putties for a while before Zack and Billy take on Saliguana. They try the device Billy created on it, but it doesn't work properly. After more fighting, Billy discovers that he forgot to add a computer chip to it that would make it work. Just...*sigh* never mind. They use it again and it works this time, the others arriving just in time to lend a hand. They combine their weapons into the Power Blaster and zap him. Just before he can die, however, Zedd throws his magic grenade down and makes him grow. The Rangers summon the ThunderZords in response.
The Red Dragon ThunderZord goes to Warrior Mode to try and take him on solo at first. It doesn't really end well. The other four Zords then combine to form some sort of flying platform or something for the Red Dragon Zord to ride on. It isn't that impressive, it's just the four sticking together with some metal platform inexplicably in between them. The Red Dragon Zord flies around for a bit, dodging the Saliguana's fire, before just combining with them and forming the Thunder MegaZord. The Saliguana then fires out its red tongue at the Thunder MegaZord to trap it...which somehow turns into a thick, BLACK tentacle when it moves to the MegaZord. That's just terrible. It breaks free and finishes Saliguana off with the Thunder Sword. Zedd glows red with anger and blames Goldar.
Back at the school, the iguana is returned safe and sound, whereas Billy and Zack are still under the spell. The others arrive with the sunglasses, now altered by Alpha, and after putting them on, the spell is broken. Of course, Bulk and Skull are still affected by it. Skull finds the iguana, and Bulk figures that, since it fought the Rangers, it'd be able to "sniff them out". Uh, OK...they let it go and the other classmates freak out. You know, despite it being the CLASS PET. Ms. Appleby gets them to put it away, leading to Skull lamenting the fact that they won't find out who the Power Rangers are. Group laughs, episode ends. Uh, what about Bulk and Skull being under the spell?
This one was decent. Zedd continues to show off his brain power, but what does making Billy and Zack see Z-Putties in the place of their friends have to do with a fire-breathing iguana? Bulk and Skull actually show a degree of brilliance with their planning, though not much. The monster was pretty cool, but the Zord fights are still pretty bad. I can't really recommend this one, but I can't hate it either. It's somewhere in the middle.
I forgot to mention that the Saliguana is apparently a cross between an iguana and the mythological Salamander, hence the fire-breathing.
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