So we start off at the Juice Bar with Kimberly practicing guitar. I'd comment on the fact that Kim randomly knows how to play guitar, but Amy Jo Johnson does have some musical talent, so I'll let it slide. She asks Zack to give her some help with the lyrics after mentioning something about a picnic later. On the moon, Zedd sees Kim playing guitar and decides to use it as inspiration for his next monster. However, Goldar mentions that since the guitar isn't alive, Zedd can't make a monster out of it.
Now, this WOULD be an interesting weakness on Zedd's part...if Zedd didn't just make a beetle monster out of a poster two episodes before this! What the hell?! Why is this suddenly brought up when there was no indication of it before? Not to mention Zedd made monsters out of a gorilla SUIT and a picture of a goat monster! What, was the suit made out of real gorilla?! Was the paper that the goat monster picture was on mean it was technically alive? Saban, if you're going to introduce a potentially exploitable weakness in someone, make sure it doesn't contradict what's already happened!
Anyway, Zedd decides to base his monster on a musically-themed insect, a cicada. Don't ask me how he went from guitar to cicada. He further explains that the monster will use a hypnotizing song to place the Rangers under his control. Works for me. I guess.
We then cut to the park with the group at their picnic. And then Richie shows up. Goddammit. OK, after listening to him for a few minutes, I have to admit that I may have been a bit hard on him. He isn't actually that bad. The problem is that there's no point to him. All we know about him is that he's the new kid in town and that Trini has a crush on him. That's it. Maybe the viewers could get attached to him if there was something about him to like, but there isn't. He's just there to take up space. Saban, if you're going to introduce a character that'll stay for more than one episode, give us a reason to like him!
After he leaves, we see Bulk and Skull's newest plan: disguise themselves as a monster and a victim to lure out the Rangers. Why this involves Skull dressing up like a princess and sounding like a lost member of Monty Python is beyond me. Bulk also mentions that this is their last chance to meet the Rangers. Wait, why? Is something happening in the next episode that'll prevent them from discovering the Rangers' identities? I'm confused.
Anyway, their antics do attract the attention of the group, which pisses off the duo as they're trying to attract the Rangers. See, it's funny because they ARE the Rangers, but Bulk and Skull don't know it. Ho ho ho! Except not really all that funny. The Rangers lecture the two on "crying wolf" and leave, allowing the two to resume their goofiness. Oh, Kimberly left her guitar behind. I mention that now because Zedd's ready to make his monster, who will steal the guitar for his spell.
The duo continue their craziness (seriously, why is Skull still doing the bad British accent?) when they find a large bug. A cicada, apparently, which is a lot larger than it should be. Zedd zaps it and it transforms into Guitardo. That sounds like something ripe with potentially offensive jokes. It starts chasing the two around, as expected.
Zordon contacts the group and has them teleport to the Command Center to prepare them for the monster's hypnotic abilities. Once there, Alpha scans Tommy for info on his power levels while Zordon briefs the others. We see Guitardo take Kim's guitar while Zordon goes on about how the group needs to keep their minds focused and not fall to Zedd's will, etc etc. Alpha says that Tommy's powers are too low to go out into battle, so the others have to go on without them. I do like this part here. You really do feel sorry for Tommy since he can't go out and help his friends in battle. The Rangers morph and head out to battle.
They meet up with Guitardo and he starts playing his music, which causes the Rangers to...stand there. Really? Not even a slight hint that you may be losing control? At all? Oh, there we go. OK, now all the Rangers except Kim are floating in the air. How does this qualify as mind control again? Tommy decides he has to go help the others and Zordon eventually gives in. Tommy morphs and joins the fight, taking on Guitardo for a bit before it runs off, telling them to meet him at the fair. Tommy runs after it while Kim contacts Zordon. He explains that the only way to help the others is to destroy Guitardo, of course, so Kim runs off to help Tommy.
At the park, Guitardo starts playing his music to make Tommy float in the air, but Tommy breaks out of it by playing his Dragon Flute. Huh, why not? Guitardo then tries again, this time making Tommy sink into the ground. This sounds more like a gravity-controlling monster than a hypnotist. Why not just go with that? Kimberly arrives and manages to save Tommy by using her Power Bow as a harp. Again, why not? They fight for a bit more and Guitardo gets the upper hand, until Kimberly uses the Dragon Dagger as an arrow for her Power Bow and she blasts him. OK, that was kinda cool. This is enough to finish off Guitardo, free the Rangers, and get Kim's guitar back. Zedd has had enough and promises victory next time.
Back at the Juice Bar, the group is holding their picnic inside as a sudden rainstorm drove them in. We then see Bulk and Skull return and we get more silliness. Bulk then gets pissed at Skull for his idea, leading to this:
Skull: My idea? MY idea?! Since when have I ever had an idea?!
Well, at least he admits his incompetence.
The group has a good chuckle and Tommy actually mentions that he's going to miss this. This is a pretty sad moment, to be honest. It seems as though Tommy has finally accepted that his powers are going to be gone soon, so he's just going to enjoy his time with the group while he can. Kimberly and Zack then sing the song that they were working on, which admittedly, is pretty nice. I could swear I saw Tommy getting a little teary-eyed at one point. The episode ends on an uplifting note.
Again, this episode has its ups and downs. On the one hand, the moments were it seems Tommy's time with the Rangers is getting shorter and shorter are well done and pretty sad when you think about them. On the other hand, the continuity issues and lazy characters bring this one down a bit. Like the others in this subplot, this is somewhere in the middle. Next time, a two-parter that brings this subplot to an end!
I still don't see the connection between a guitar and a cicada that resulted in Guitardo, but I guess you have to make some leaps in order to make the Sentai footage make some sense.
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