So we start off at the Juice Bar where...ugh. Why do you exist, Richie? Zack and Trini are hanging out when...oh, Curtis? So there was a point to introducing that character? You sure? He mentions taking part in a jazz competition and wants to borrow Zack's trumpet for it. Zack agrees but brings up that it belonged to their uncle, who's a famous jazz musician, so he needs to be careful with it. Our exciting plot, ladies and gentlemen.
On the moon, Zedd catches wind of the trumpet and decides to use it as part of his next plan. The Rangers will fight hallucinations of some monsters they've fought in the past. Once they're tired out, Zedd will finish them off. A good plan, don't get me wrong, but how does the trumpet fit in? Is it just another "F-U" to the Rangers? Zedd, you're starting to become very Rita-like in your pettiness.
We then cut to the park with Zack, Billy, and Kim heading for the festival. I think. They then run into Bulk and Skull with some gardening equipment. They mention that they have a new plan to uncover the Rangers' identities, but we don't find out what it is. Oh, please, don't keep us in suspense. Zedd explains that the trumpet's music will cause the aforementioned hallucinations right before he sends some Z-Putties down. OK, I can live with that explanation. During the battle, one of the Z-Putties sprinkles something on the trumpet that I guess curses it. The Rangers finish them off and head back to the Juice Bar.
After they successfully deliver the trumpet to Curtis, we learn of Bulk and Skull's new plan: get the footprints of the Rangers from where they were last seen, make a cast from them, and then find a match. OK, this sounds like a good plan, but wouldn't that only work if they were wearing the same boots as when they made the print? And if that's the case, I think they'd catch on to the fact that regular people were wearing bright white boots!
Back at the Juice Bar, Curtis takes part in the jazz concert and I would comment on how good he is...except it's obviously dubbed in and the actor's just messing around with the instrument. The trumpet casts the spell on the Rangers...and nothing happens. Guess it's a delayed effect. After the concert, a Z-Putty appears and steals the trumpet, somehow without anyone seeing it. Zedd then transforms the trumpet into his latest monster, Trumpet Top. Ignoring the fact that this monster is incredibly ridiculous, both in look and name, why bother cursing the trumpet if it's the monster that'll play the music? It just seems like an unnecessary extra step.
After the expected gag of Skull spilling cement on Bulk, we see the Rangers wandering through the park, Zack moping about the missing trumpet. Trumpet Top then summons an old monster, Grumble Bee. The Rangers are naturally confused as to how a monster is back from the dead, but they morph and take it on anyway. Trumpet Top adds to the mess by creating illusions of Saliguana and the Fabulous Fighting Flea. Then Soccadillo shows up. Then...which one was that again? Oh, Rhinoblaster. Right. And Zack has a different voice actor and it's really noticeable. Then the Mantis shows up. Then the Stag Beetle. Then the Slippery Shark. This sequence would probably be really cool, except it moves way too fast for me to get any enjoyment out of it. Although a mildly funny bit is the monsters stepping on one another to get at the Rangers. Which is quickly ruined by Jason's other voice actor.
While the Rangers are fighting, Alpha and Zordon observe what's going on, namely them fighting nothing. Zordon, being Zordon, instantly knows that they're placed under a spell. Seriously, how does he do that? He always knows what's going on as soon as he sees it. In most cases, I assume he just heard about it, but this seems like strangely concise observations. This also earns another funny scene where Bulk and Skull see the Rangers fighting nothing and wonder just what the hell is wrong with them. Zordon teleports them to the Command Center, leaving Bulk and Skull the perfect opportunity to make new footprint casts.
Once there, Zordon explains that the group is under a spell, as well as what happened to Zack's trumpet. Of course, the only way to break the spell is to destroy Trumpet Top. Naturally. The Rangers head back into battle as Zedd makes Trumpet Top grow. So the Rangers summon the ThunderZords and form the Thunder MegaZord. The fight is pretty decent, with Trumpet Top actually using the Thunder Sabre against the Thunder MegaZord. This proves to be a bad idea, however, as it makes the Sabre shock Trumpet Top so it can get it back and finish him off. Zedd groans in disgust that he's lost yet again.
Back at the Juice Bar, the group celebrates with Curtis that they got the trumpet back when Bulk and Skull arrive with the footprint cast ready for testing. Zack gets....ugh, Richie...to start some music and get everyone to the dance floor. Despite their best efforts, Bulk and Skull hang onto the cast, only to drop it a second later. You know, I get that the Rangers are just trying to cover their asses here, but it makes them seem more bully-like than the supposed actual bullies. Talk about your mixed messages. Anyway, group laughs, episode ends.
This is yet another middle-of-the-totem-pole episode. The plot is there mostly for the novelty of seeing some old monsters again, the monster is just ridiculous, and the smartest bit of writing is the plan from Bulk and Skull. That's usually not a good sign. If you want to see a bunch of old monsters in one place, then this is an episode for you, but really, you're not missing much.
Trumpet Top. Just....look at him. What more needs to be said?
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