So we start off at the Juice Bar with Ernie playing some weird game with a broom and a ball. The game in particular is called "broomball". It's just like hockey, except you use a broom, and a ball.
Dark Helmet: Everybody got that?
Ernie wants Tommy, Jason, Zack and Billy to play for his team, but they're a bit reluctant. For some reason. We then have these two kids come in from Stone Canyon, who had challenged Ernie to a game. By the by, Stone Canyon is a neighbouring city to Angel Grove, that will be mentioned again in a few episodes' time, but we'll get to that then. Ernie volunteers the guys, which causes the kids to scoff. After all, they've been undefeated for the past two years! It's not like these four in-shape guys who happen to double as superheroes could beat them! Jason accepts and the game is on.
On the moon, Zedd goes on about his plan to destroy the Green Ranger. He explains that he wants to wipe away all memory of Rita's failures, and since Rita technically created the Green Ranger, he wants to wipe him out for good. Makes sense, I suppose. He then sees a poster of the Stone Canyon team, who happen to be called the Beetles. This is apparently inspiration enough for him to create four bowl-cut wearing bugs who form a band and defeat the Rangers with their evil devil music.
OK, not really, but he does use the poster to create a bug monster, the Stag Beetle. ....wow, and I thought Robogoat was unoriginal. Of course, the Stag Beetle's purpose is to drain more of Tommy's Green Ranger energy, and it wanders off to do just that.
Back at the Juice Bar, the group all practice broomball to get ready for the game. One of the balls bounces towards the bar, which is caught by...oh, great. It's here we're introduced to one of the most pointless side characters in this series, Richie. He actually lasts for more than one episode, but he has zero personality and seems to exist only to give Trini a love interest, though nothing ever comes of it. Bulk and Skull then show up with Bulk's latest plan. With a new device they got from a back-of-a-comic-book-order (remember those?), they're going to capture the scents of everyone at the broomball game, then match them with the scents of the Power Rangers. Wait, when did you guys get the Power Rangers' scents? Are you guys that big of fans? ...you guys are starting to scare me now.
We cut to the park with Kimberly and Tommy going for a run. Zedd sends down some Z-Putties to hold them off until the Stag Beetle arrives. The Z-Putties arrive and they fight for a bit. It's nothing special. Meanwhile, the others put up their poster beside the Stone Canyon poster, and notice the beetle missing. Of course, that's the perfect time for the Stag Beetle to show up at the fight, so Tommy and Kim morph (out of order, for some reason). They fight some more, but the Z-Putties overwhelm Tommy, allowing the Stag Beetle to start draining his powers. Kimberly contacts Zordon for help, who relays the message to the other Rangers. They morph and join in. The Stag Beetle eventually retreats, but not before stealing all of Tommy's energy.
Zedd gloats about a successful plan, and explains that he'll now have the Stag Beetle destroy the Rangers with the Green Ranger's own power. At the Command Center, the Rangers discover that Tommy's powers are gone, and Zordon explains that the same could happen to any of them. Billy proposes Alpha make a MacGuffin machine to get Tommy's powers back, but it'll take a while to build. The Beetle reappears, and Zordon explains that they can't destroy him until they get Tommy's powers back. The Rangers head back to the battle.
Once there, the Rangers start fighting the Stag Beetle with their Blade Blasters (seriously, why? Those things suck as daggers), which naturally leads to the Stag Beetle smacking the Rangers around. It summons some Z-Putties to make things harder, leading the Rangers to move to higher ground. Back at the Command Center, Alpha continues to work on the MacGuffin machine, which is supposed to absorb the Green Ranger energy once the Beetle uses it. He does mention the possibility of the Beetle using it up, which I think will come into play in some way. The Beetle and the Z-Putties eventually catch up to the Rangers in front of a cliff. Beetle fires the Green Ranger power at the Rangers just as Tommy arrives to steal it back. This gives the Rangers the necessary opportunity to combine their weapons and zap the Stag Beetle with the Power Blaster.
However, it's just a flesh wound, meaning Zedd can make the Stag Beetle grow. The Rangers summon the ThunderZords in response and form the Thunder MegaZord. Choppy fight sequence go! Watch as the Stag Beetle clearly kicks the original MegaZord, and then get cut by the original Power Sword instead of the Thunder Saber! OK, OK, Thunder MegaZord finishes it off and Zedd surprisingly doesn't get pissy. Since the Stag Beetle did use up some of the Green Ranger power, it's only a matter of time before it's gone for good. See, told you that would come into play.
We then move back to the Juice Bar, where the group has their broomball game, while Bulk and Skull wander around with what is essentially a blowdryer. Of course our heroes win at the last second, as they always do. Richie shows off his blandness, the other team is so crushed they can barely say "good game", and Tommy mopes some more about his powers dwindling. Unlike the last episode, though, he remains optimistic that he'll get his powers back at full strength as the episode ends.
This one was just there. Like the last two, it didn't really serve much purpose other than to continue the subplot of Tommy's powers draining. One good thing about this episode, though, is that it shows off Zedd's attitude about this whole thing. He can accept one minor defeat if the end result is what he wants. Overall, this just seems like one part of a much bigger episode, and if you look at it as that, it's not so bad, but on its own, it's better if you skip it.
The Stag Beetle. One of the most unoriginally-named characters as of yet. And it doesn't even look that good.
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