We have a new Ranger, he's evil, he's wrecked the Command Center, he's separated the Rangers from Zordon, he's entered the MegaZord, and beaten the Rangers all by himself in combat. Damn, talk about your insurmountable odds. But the Rangers are the heroes of this series, so they have to have some plan, right? Right...?
We start off in the wrecked Command Center, where Jason is eager to go after the Green Ranger again. Kimberly mentions that whoever he is, he knew what he was doing when he attacked. Not that that means anything, since Rita was just telling him what to do. Billy has some initial problems with the unfamiliar technology, but he manages to get Alpha working again. The group is glad that Alpha's back, but Jason reminds them that they still have to bring back Zordon and find the Green Ranger. He's obviously very bitter about losing so badly to this guy, which will come into play later.
We cut to the moon where Rita is gloating about how well the plan is going. She starts the next part of the plan, which is to give Tommy the Sword of Darkness. Finster explains its origin as Sentai footage.....that appeared in the Knasty Knight episode shows up?! The hell?! That's a new level of unoriginality! They reuse Sentai footage from an episode that they used Sentai footage for the sole purpose of backstory. There's creativity for you. Apparently, Rita's warrior beat Zordon's warriors hundreds of years ago, and was given the Sword of Darkness as a prize. Finster explains that if Tommy gets ahold of it, he could stay under Rita's spell forever. As long as no one destroys the Sword, of course.
Tommy is teleported back to the alley where he was captured by Rita. Rita tells him to remain on Earth under later, as well as to keep his identity as the Green Ranger a secret. I guess the same rules that apply to the other Rangers apply to the evil one. Rita disappears just as Bulk and Skull come into the alley. The two are still pissed at their humiliation earlier, and demand an apology from Tommy. Tommy's eyes glow green, which causes the two to run off and fall into a dumpster. Uh, weren't you JUST told to keep your identity a secret, Tommy? I mean, yeah, those two don't know about it, but it's too weird for them to not say something.
We cut to the Juice Bar where Jason is hitting the punching bag aggressively. He's really pissed about what happened and wants to get his hands on the Green Ranger. He's also wondering why Zordon never mentioned the possibility of another Ranger before. That's a valid question. He and Zack start to put the pieces together and realize that he's obviously working for Rita and is the one who attacked the Center. Either way, Jason wants a piece of him.
We cut to the Command Center for a moment as Billy and Alpha try to make repairs so they can contact Zordon. Billy realizes that the wires are too damaged and need to be replaced. Because the wires aren't so alien that you can't find them at Radio Shack or anything, right? Billy says that he can make repairs, but it'll take a lot of time, which as Alpha proclaims, is the one thing they don't have, as the Green Ranger could attack again at any given moment.
We cut to the school where Kimberly meets up with Tommy, and asks him where he was earlier. He tells her that something came up, and Kimberly admits that she was worried about him. Tommy gets really vicious here, telling her that he can worry about himself and that the universe doesn't revolve around her. So, wait, not only is this guy better than the others in terms of martial arts, but he's a better actor too? Geez, where has this guy been?
We head to the moon where Goldar explains that Tommy needs to pass a test to earn the Sword of Darkness. They teleport to Earth and summon Tommy, who learns of the Sword of Darkness and the test he needs to pass to get it. Said test is to...beat some Putties. Uh, didn't he already do that? Nonetheless, he takes on five Putties this time, and of course beats them all, earning the Sword. He proclaims, again, that the Rangers are finished, but he also mentions that he'll be taking care of Jason first.
We cut to Billy's garage for a minute as Zack and Kimberly wonder how Billy is doing with the Command Center. They decide to take the Rad Bug and find out. Meanwhile, at the school, Jason is looking for Tommy. He meets up with him and asks for a raincheck on their workout together. Tommy agrees, and Jason turns to leave, allowing Tommy to zap him with his coin and teleport him away. "One down, four to go".
Jason arrives in some strange dungeon with the expected smoky floor of a 90's scary area. He tries to leave but is electrocuted by the bars he touches. He tries to use the communicators, but they don't work in that area. Not that it matters, since they're supposedly broken anyway. Goldar arrives and Jason realizes that his morpher is missing, meaning he has to fight Goldar alone as a human. If he manages to beat Goldar, he'll get his morpher back. Goldar smacks him around a bit to emphasize how hard this will be.
We cut to Kimberly and Zack flying the Rad Bug as Zack tries to cheer Kimberly up. She mentions what happened with Tommy, saying that he seemed to do a complete 180 in terms of personality. The two land in the Command Center and Billy manages to get some power back to the Center. They see the Green Ranger and Zack says they should go after him, but Kimberly says they should wait for Jason. Zack tries to contact him, but no luck.
Back in the dungeon, Goldar smacks Jason around some more to emphasize his dominance. Jason starts to fight back, but Goldar quickly puts a stop to that. He tells Jason that he could finish him off anytime he wanted to, but since Rita gave Jason to him as a reward, he wants to toy with him some more. This is Goldar's Crowning Moment of Awesome, as TVTropes would put it, helping establish him as a true badass and a bigger threat to the Rangers than initially expected.
Back at the Center, Zack tells Alpha to try and contact Jason while they morph and fight the Green Ranger. Naturally, the Green Ranger beats them soundly, since a) they're short one Ranger and he still beat them then, and b) he now has the Sword of Darkness, which apparently makes him even more powerful. So to say the Rangers are screwed would be an understatement. Realizing how much trouble they're in, the four Rangers summon their DinoZords and form the MegaZord. Keep in mind, they're doing this against another Ranger, and he's not even a giant here. That just emphasizes how seriously bad this guy is. And to emphasize it even more, Tommy actually tries to fight back, against the MegaZord, while at his normal size. Of course, it doesn't work, and Tommy wisely decides to retreat, but the fact that he even tried should mean something. Rita's pissed that he ran off, but Squat reminds her that she still has Jason trapped with Goldar. Speaking of which, Jason tries, again, to contact the others, but it doesn't work. Goldar brings out his sword and decides that it might be time to finish Jason off.
Back at the Command Center, Alpha is close to finding Zordon. Zack mentions that the Green Ranger was even stronger this time, and that Rita's doing some real damage to them. To make matters worse, Billy still can't find Jason. And then, to add insult to injury, just as it seems that they've found Zordon, Alpha loses him. Things are looking even more hopeless now.
We cut to the dungeon where Goldar admits that if Jason got the Power Morpher, he could escape. Goldar drops the Morpher and dares Jason to come get it. Jason comes within a few millimeters of getting it before being stopped by Goldar. Goldar decides it's time to finally finish off Jason, and the episode ends as Goldar hovers over him, about to deliver the final blow.
This episode served to set up more problems for the Rangers, and it definitely succeeded. Tommy became more powerful than he already was, Jason got separated from the group and had to fight Goldar without his powers, and they still couldn't find Zordon. Could things possibly get worse? Surprisingly, yes.
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