We start off where we left off last episode, with Goldar about to finish Jason off in the dungeon. Jason barely manages to get out of the way and dives under the smoke, concealing himself from Goldar. Goldar starts stabbing random spots with his sword, knowing that he'll hit Jason eventually.
We move to the moon where Rita enacts the next part of her plan: summon an old monster by the name of Scorpina to help out the Green Ranger. We see what looks like a breathing boulder appear on Earth, and Scorpina soon appears from it, serving as Rita's most human-like monster yet.
We then head to the Command Center, where Alpha tries to reacquire the signal he had before, but fails, and Zordon's lost again. The group realizes that they're in serious danger, with Zordon gone and Jason still missing. They decide to split up and find Jason, while Alpha continues to look for Zordon.
Back in the dungeon, Goldar continues stabbing random spots in the hopes of hitting Jason. He misses Jason's head by just a few inches, and, not realizing that Jason is there, keeps looking. Jason gets up and attacks Goldar, vowing to defeat him. Of course, he gets smacked around some more.
We cut to the Juice Bar where Kimberly asks Ernie if he's seen Jason. He says no and wonders if he's in trouble. Bulk and Skull arrive and offer to help if Kimberly kisses Skull. She actually agrees, but it's a trick as she moves out of the way, leading Skull into kissing Bulk on the cheek. She leaves but bumps into Tommy, and asks him if he's seen Jason. He says no, but he was supposed to meet him after school and didn't. He makes a couple more snide remarks at Kimberly and leaves as Zack walks in. Kimberly tells Zack what Tommy said, but Zack says that's a lie since he knows Jason went. Zack and Kimberly both go after Tommy to get the truth.
Rita sees that Kimberly and Zack are following Tommy, so she sends some Putties down to head them off. The two manage to beat the Putties, but it serves as enough of a distraction for them to lose sight of Tommy. Kimberly comments on the fact that the Putties didn't attack him, and the two run off to find him again.
We cut to the dungeon where Goldar's about to finish Jason, but the Green Ranger arrives to stop him, saying that he wants to do that himself. Goldar leaves and the two start to fight. Naturally, the Green Ranger quickly gets the upper hand, and proclaims that Jason will soon just be a memory. Translation: Jason's screwed.
We briefly head to the Command Center where Kimberly and Zack say that they couldn't find Jason. Good news arrives as Alpha says he's close to finding Zordon, and Billy's fixed their communicators, meaning they can track down Jason and teleport him to them.
Back at the dungeon, Jason and the Green Ranger fight some more and both acknowledge the other's skill. Jason says that Tommy should be on their side, but Tommy just starts fighting him again. He knocks Jason towards his Morpher, but stops him just before he can grab it.
We briefly head to the moon where the villains try to put Scorpina over as serious business, as expected considering the numerous other times they've done so with the other monsters-of-the-week. We then head to the Command Center where Billy tries to track down Jason's location.
Back in the dungeon, Tommy summons the Sword of Darkness and is about to deliver the final blow to Jason. Billy manages to find Jason and Jason grabs his Morpher just before he's teleported away. The group's happy to finally have Jason back, and Jason starts to fill them in on what happened. In the dungeon, Goldar ridicules Tommy for letting Jason escape, and he'll have to stay in the dungeon as punishment. Even though Goldar could've easily finished Jason off at any time, so it's hardly Tommy's fault.
Back at the Center, Jason explains what happened and Zack shows disbelief at the fact that they really have to fight another Ranger. The alarm goes off and the group sees Scorpina attacking. They morph and go to face her. Even with her and the Putties holding their own against the Rangers, Goldar wants Rita to recall her in case she gets hurt. Wait, why would Goldar care so much?
Well, turns out they're a couple, or something, as we see the two arguing afterwards over how Scorpina was winning the fight. Baboo suggests that they send Green Ranger down to fight, but Scorpina wants to go, and Goldar wants to as well. Rita gets annoyed with all the bickering and decides to send Goldar. She also mentions the next part of the plan, which is to cause a solar eclipse, thus cutting off the MegaZord's power. The MegaZord's solar powered? Well, one would think there would be some power stored away, so I don't see how this plan would work. I guess Saban had an issue with solar energy as a power source, or something.
After seeing Green Ranger practice some more, the Rangers at the Command Center try to come up with a plan. They almost manage to get ahold of Zordon, but they fail due to a lack of power. To make matters worse, Goldar is a giant again and is attacking. The episode ends as the Rangers prepare to head out to fight.
This part served as an example of the fact that this saga was really just a bigger episode of the series. Scorpina served as the saga's monster-of-the-week, despite the larger plot with the Green Ranger and that she would actually stick around for a while after. Jason manages to escape the dungeon, so things are finally starting to look up for the Rangers. Even though they still can't find Zordon and things are looking to get worse soon enough.
For someone who had to follow up the Green Ranger, Scorpina did a pretty decent job as a monster.
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