We start off where we last were, at the Command Center with the Rangers learning of Tommy's identity as the Green Ranger. Due to the computer's malfunctioning, Kimberly suggests that it's a mistake, but Billy admits that Alpha fixed the problem, so there can be no question that Tommy is the Green Ranger. (But we knew that already) Alpha says that Rita must've put Tommy under a spell to make him the Green Ranger, which only strengthens Jason's resolve even more, saying they have to fight back to free Tommy from Rita's spell.
We cut to the moon as the villains are celebrating their long-awaited victory. Rita says that, while they destroyed the MegaZord, the Rangers are still around, so there's still more to the plan. Goldar's ready for battle as Rita does her usual cackle.
Back at the Command Center, Alpha has a panic attack when he realizes that Rita's going to win. But, it was just a ruse to convince the other Rangers to help. They agree, and Jason says they should go look for Tommy while Alpha finds Zordon. This leads to Kimberly heading to the Juice Bar to ask Ernie, who is watching a TV that seems to be connected to the plot, since it shows Rita sending down Goldar to attack again. Bulk and Skull brag that they were the ones to scare off Goldar, leading to Skull proclaiming that they should be on TV. This leads to a moment thinking about being on TV, which I guess was poking the fourth wall a bit. Ernie points Kimberly in the direction of Tommy, who's working out. Kimberly walks over and tells him that she knows, which leads to Tommy declaring that her and the others will soon be destroyed. Kimberly offers to help him break the spell, but Tommy shrugs her off. This leads to his eyes flashing green and the chilling line: "You have been warned."
Back on the moon, Rita uses her magic to summon the ultimate in pants-crapping moments on this show: a new Zord for the Green Ranger, the DragonZord. This was a true shocker for the viewers, but in a way, it shouldn't have been. Since the Green Ranger was technically a Ranger himself, he should have a Zord to command. The fact that it's so powerful, on the other hand, would be an even bigger shock. Plus, the Zord's entrance was perfect, rising out of the water and destroying the nearby docks, just like Godzilla. Also, he just looks awesome. Something else that the Green Ranger has over the other Rangers: a cooler Zord. The DragonZord starts wrecking the place, and the Green Ranger jumps onto it, which just adds more coolness to him.
We briefly head to the Command Center where Alpha finally makes progress in finding Zordon. We then move to Billy's garage, where Kimberly is telling the others about her encounter with Tommy. This confirms that Tommy is under a spell, and the Rangers start to put the pieces together, such as the change in Tommy's attitude and why the Putties wouldn't attack him. Trini then tells the others of the DragonZord's attack, and the Rangers morph and head towards it.
They arrive and are, of course, shocked that Tommy has a Zord. Tommy then commands the DragonZord to attack the Rangers, courtesy of his new weapon, the Dragon Dagger, which can double as a flute to control the DragonZord. The DragonZord shows off its weapons, namely a drill on the end of its tail, and missiles that shoot out of its fingertips. On a side note, the music that Tommy plays to control the DragonZord is just awesome. The Rangers get blasted aside and the DragonZord destroys more of the city.
But, good news finally arrives as Zordon is found. He returns to the Center and tells Alpha that the Rangers need to destroy the Sword of Darkness to free Tommy. The Rangers' Morphers glow and they're teleported into their Zords, which have returned from the fissure they were stuck in. The T-Rex Zord and DragonZord decide to fight it out in a nice homage to the giant monster battles from various Toho movies that I love so much. The DragonZord beats the crap out of the T-Rex Zord, but T-Rex still manages to get the upper hand. The Rangers then form the MegaZord and make the fight a bit more one-sided. They toss the DragonZord around a bit and attack with the Power Sword, but Tommy refuses to give up. Jason decides to fight Tommy alone to put an end to this.
So the two leave their respective Zords and start to fight, and it is befitting of everyone's expectations. Consider Tommy has both his Dragon Dagger and the Sword of Darkness, he quickly gets the edge over Jason. Jason decides to use his Blade Blaster to even the odds, but Tommy plays his Dragon Dagger to summon a shield around him to deflect the shots. But, just when it looks like Tommy's going to win the battle, Jason manages to knock both of Tommy's weapons out of his hands. Jason then destroys the Sword of Darkness with his Blade Blaster, finally releasing Tommy from the spell. The others arrive and they all demorph, checking on Tommy. Tommy instantly shows regret for everything that's happened, and Jason asks Tommy to join the group. Tommy seems reluctant at first, but eventually agrees. All six morph, giving us a new morphing sequence with Tommy coming before the others. Zordon then gives Tommy his Dragon Dagger back, saying that they can use the DragonZord with the Mastodon, Triceratops, and Saber-Toothed Tiger Zords to form a new MegaZord. Tommy plays a more heroic theme with the flute and revives the DragonZord, and they form this new MegaZord, which works the same as the normal MegaZord, with the DragonZord substituting for the T-Rex and Pterodactyl Zords. Why? Well, because they wanted to show off and get the kids to tune in some more. On the moon, Rita reaches a new level of pissed off, especially after coming the closest she's ever come to victory. Goldar vows revenge.
We head to the Command Center where Zordon congratulates the Rangers and Alpha for winning the battle, even when everything seemed lost. He then welcomes Tommy into the group and gives him the same speech he gave the others at the end of the first episode, about the three rules and such. Tommy agrees and Billy gives him his own communicator. The group celebrates, much like in the first episode, indicating that this truly is a new beginning for the group, and the episode ends.
For those who haven't watched the original Power Rangers series, when fans talk about why they love the original season so much, this is most likely why. The five-part saga introducing the Green Ranger proved to be the most memorable story from the first season for a variety of reasons. First of all, just the fact that it was five parts was amazing. No kids show had multi-part episodes back then, and even those that do today don't go anywhere near five parts! Second, it introduced us to Tommy, the one destined to be the most popular character of the series. He was stronger than the other Rangers in combat, and proved to be a successful villain because of that. Not to mention everything that happened throughout the saga, such as the attack on the Command Center, Jason's capture, the Sword of Darkness, and the defeat of the MegaZord. This raised the stakes much, much higher than any previous episode had done, and as such, caused kids to want to tune in even more. Not to mention that the DragonZord proved to be immensely cool, and was able to take on the MegaZord solo. Sure, it got its ass kicked, but it still tried. And yes, them forming the new MegaZord at the end just to show off was cheesy, but the DragonZord Battle Mode won't get much exposure in the series, so we should enjoy it while we can. However, there are a few problems with this. First of all, Tommy was made to be a little too powerful, making the other Rangers look weak by comparison, so that when he joins them in the end, he outshines them. Plus, this saga was so popular that later seasons would try to repeat the same idea, having the extra Ranger(s) be either mysterious, antagonistic, or both. Still, it was the first epic storyline of the series, and proved that it deserved to stay, which was what led to the show's immense popularity. And isn't that the important thing?
The Dragon Dagger was so cool, that I remember begging my parents for a toy version. I wish I still had it...
The Sword of Darkness, a generic name, but a cool sword nonetheless.
The DragonZord, coolness incarnate for all ages.
The DragonZord Battle Mode. Try not to get too attached, you won't see it much.
The Rangers Morphing with Tommy. Minor gripe I have: why does Tommy say DragonZORD when he morphs and not just Dragon? Never got that.
The DragonZord Battle Mode. Not THAT original, but still cool enough to warrant more attention.
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