We start where we left off, with the Rangers watching Goldar attack the city. They start to morph but their morphers suddenly spark and fail to work. Alpha realizes that a power surge has cut through due to them using so much energy to find Zordon, and as such, until the surge ends, they can't morph. To make things worse, the computer decides to crap out on them right then. Man, it is just not the Rangers' day, is it?
Rita goes over the plan some more back on the moon. Once the Rangers bring out the MegaZord to fight Goldar, Rita will cause a solar eclipse and cut off the MegaZord's solar power. Finster's a little miffed that the Rangers will be defeated by the Green Ranger and not one of his monsters. Green Ranger practices some more with the Sword of Darkness and proclaims that he's ready to finish off the Rangers.
Back at the Center, the group mopes about how they can't go fight Goldar. Billy tries fiddling around with the wiring in the computer, and eventually brings power back to the Center. The group quickly morphs and heads down to fight. They fight some Putties, but Scorpina arrives and wipes the floor with them, using her weird boomerang thing. Goldar showing up in giant form doesn't help matters.
At the Center, Alpha tries to track down Zordon, and finally seems to be making some progress. At the Juice Bar, due to Goldar attacking the city, they have to evacuate the Bar. Bulk forces Skull to stay behind while he finishes his ice cream, but a steel girder dropping right in front of him prompts him to change his mind. The two head into a bus which will serve as a faster getaway than running.
Alpha is getting closer to finding Zordon, but as it just so happens, the Green Ranger returns to deactivate Alpha. The other Rangers get pushed around by the giant Goldar, and Bulk and Skull happen to drive by, which includes this nice bit of dialogue:
Bulk: Who taught you how to drive?!
Skull: Nobody! How am I doing?
The comedy is cut short as Goldar grabs the bus with the two of them in it. He rolls them around a bit to scare the two, leading Skull to ask why buses don't have seatbelts. A legitimate question. Goldar carries the bus away and the Rangers follow him.
We cut to the Command Center for a moment as the Green Ranger decides to finish Zordon off, pressing a few buttons which causes Zordon to disappear again. The Rangers arrive at a beach and see the bus on the edge of a cliff, which Putties trying to push it over. This leads to, without a doubt, the best dialogue from Bulk and Skull yet:
Bulk: I want my mommy!
Skull: Yeah, I want your mommy!
Bulk: *gives Skull a weird look*
Yeah, what're you trying to say, Skull?
The Rangers try to save the bus, but of course giant Goldar makes things worse.
I guess I was wrong earlier as Zordon isn't completely gone, but Green Ranger's about to take care of that. Alpha suddenly reactivates and traps Green Ranger in a force field. Problem is, Zordon's starting to disappear again.
Back at the fight, the Rangers finally summon the DinoZords and form the MegaZord, and manage to save the bus just as it tumbles down the cliff. They start to fight Goldar again, but the eclipse starts and their power starts to go down. Still, Rita chooses to make Scorpina grow, altering her appearance considerably. The two fight the MegaZord, and due to the eclipse, easily smack the MegaZord around. The Rangers summon the Power Sword to recharge their energy a bit and make the fight a bit more even.
At the Command Center, Alpha has trouble bringing back Zordon, and, getting tired of the Green Ranger's taunts, decides to find out his identity. He doesn't have enough time, though, as Rita uses her magic to summon him to the fight. Then, in a truly shocking moment, Rita causes the Green Ranger to grow! OK, now it's beyond unfair. Naturally, with the Sword of Darkness in hand, the Green Ranger smacks the MegaZord around without any trouble. Through the combined powers of Goldar, Scorpina, and the Green Ranger, they not only defeat the MegaZord, but manage to open a fissure in the Earth. The Rangers are ejected from the MegaZord and forced to demorph as the MegaZord falls into the fissure. The Zords separate and are buried under the Earth, presumably for good. While logic would say that, since the Zords are always buried under the Earth, that they'd be fine, but back then, it was still extremely shocking to see the Zords beaten so soundly.
Back at the Command Center, Jason and Alpha try to keep the group's morale up, but the others have given up. And who could blame them? Rita's managed to separate them from Zordon again, as well as seemingly destroy the Zords. Without them, they're pretty much screwed. All hope is not lost, though, as while the Green Ranger was captured, the computer started to track his identity, and it just now found it. The episode comes to a close as they learn that Tommy is the Green Ranger.
This episode continued to deliver in terms of shocks and surprises. Just when it seemed like the Rangers were making a comeback, the Green Ranger made Zordon disappear again, and through the combined efforts of three villains, defeated the MegaZord. The total loss of hope was only expected. But, now that they learned the Green Ranger's identity, maybe they still had a chance at winning. But Rita would have one last surprise up her sleeve.
Scorpina post-gianthood. Talk about your sharp contrasts, huh?
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