So we start off with Tommy, Zack, and Kimberly at school. Kimberly asks Tommy about going to the beach, but Tommy is apparently auditioning for a karate commercial. We immediately have Bulk and Skull enter the frame, with Skull yelling at someone on one of those 90's cell phones. You know, the ones that were practically bricks? Ah, nostalgia. Bulk is auditioning for the commercial too, which can only lead to disaster. Whether it will be a funny disaster or just a disaster is something we'll have to wait and see. Tommy shows off his karate skills and Bulk runs off.
We cut to the moon, and apparently Rita is feeling lazy today. She says she doesn't want to make a monster and try to take over the world only to fail miserably today, so she leaves Goldar in charge. Goldar, still trying to salvage his badass cred, vows to destroy the Rangers.
We cut to the beach where the Rangers, minus Tommy, are all hanging out. Bulk and Skull enter, with Skull carrying fifteen different beach-related items. Trini accidentally knocks a beach ball into Bulk's chest, and apparently it hit him with the force of a gunshot, as he falls over, practically crushing Skull. Bulk promises that he'll get the commercial and does some bad fake karate. He then orders Skull to rub tanning lotion on him, but the bottle explodes on Bulk. Remember, this is a 90's kids TV show. There are no double entendres here unless we make them ourselves. Having said that, feel free to make the appropriate jokes here. We then get another dumb gag that has Skull replacing the tanning lotion with mayonnaise, although the sudden commercial jingle for the mayo is kind of odd.
After a brief cut to the moon and Goldar again vowing the destruction of the Rangers, we cut to the school where the audition is taking place. Bulk goes before Tommy, sporting a bad sunburn. Of course, his kung fu is weak, so he looks like a goof the whole time. The judges say they have their man, and Bulk apparently missed the sarcasm, as he takes it at face value. He brags about the "victory" to Tommy and walks off.
We cut to the beach where the Rangers are playing volleyball. Their game ends when Scorpina appears along with some Putties. The Rangers morph and take them on. The fight here is decent, better than some of the earlier ones. Scorpina then pulls out a pet worm of hers, which I guess is this week's monster. The worm covers the Rangers in silk, trapping them in some giant red punching bag. They can't use their Communicators or teleport, so they're pretty much screwed. The Putties then toss them over a cliff and into the ocean, but somehow, none of the Rangers are hurt from the fall. Superheroes. Alpha and Zordon concoct the obvious plan of "calling-Tommy-to-bail-the-others-out".
Back at the school, Tommy is called in for his audition, but leaves his Communicator in his gym bag, so he doesn't hear when Zordon calls. Tommy, naturally, has an awesome audition and the judges want to see more from him. I can sense your shock.
Back at the plot, the Rangers decide to try the oh-so-complicated method of firing their Blade Blasters at the cocoon in an effort to escape. Why it took them this long to think of that is beyond me. The Rangers are quickly teleported to their Zords, no summoning sequence or anything. Goldar and Scorpina go giant along with..."Babe Ruthless"? Who the hell is that? When was he introduced in this episode? Why is he the monster-of-the-week and not that worm thing Scorpina had? Can I get some answers here?!
Anyway, the Zords fight the monsters for a bit without trying the brilliant method of, you know, combining them. And somehow, they don't get their asses kicked. That much. Tommy leaves the auditioning room and finally answers his Communicator, morphing and joining the fight. The DragonZord saves the others and they from the DragonZord Battle Mode. The fight continues for a bit until the monsters start to get the upper hand. Of course the DragonZord Battle Mode solves that problem by, you know, DRILLING A HOLE RIGHT THROUGH BABE RUTHLESS, THAT'S HOW! So yeah, that kills him and the other two monsters retreat, Goldar vowing revenge as he usually does.
Oh, wait, we're not done yet. Scorpina reappeared in human form in Angel Grove and the Rangers go to face her. NOW the worm monster appears and goes giant. Soooo, what was the point of leaving the Zords? Speaking of those, the DragonZord Battle Mode separates and the Rangers form the MegaZord. The two fight for a bit, until the worm forms another red punching bag cocoon around the MegaZord. Tommy summons the DragonZord again, for some reason, and it drills through the cocoon, freeing the MegaZord. They then form the MegaDragonZord and annihilate the worm monster with that weird Z-orb thing it does. Rita gets pissed that she takes one day off and Goldar fails miserably.
We cut to the Juice Bar where the Rangers and Ernie are watching another news report on the Power Rangers. Oddly enough, it actually mentioned the property damage this time. Huh. But, of course, no one was hurt, so who cares? Bulk and Skull arrive just in time to see the commercial. Turns out, Bulk was the "before" and Tommy the "after" in terms of learning martial arts. Bulk gets pissed at Skull as the group laughs and the episode ends.
This one was a mess. The plot had pretty much nothing to do with the monsters this time, and it seemed to serve as just one big reason as to why Tommy, again, had to sit on the sidelines. The fights itself weren't much longer than usual, but they were more numerous. I guess the thought process was "well, we don't have much of a plot this episode. Let's just throw in more fights". And while I appreciate the intention, they could've actually introduced monsters properly. Where the hell did Babe Ruthless come from? Not that he could've got a proper plot around him, but if you couldn't think of something for him, why use him at all? All in all, not one worth watching.
When you hear the name "Babe Ruthless", you pretty much know what the theme is going to be.
This one, which happens to be called Weaveworm, by the way, is definitely one of the uglier looking monsters this season has seen.
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