So we start things off at the school. Tommy and Jason are walking to the gym dressed in black karate gis when they see Mr. Douchelan. Apparently the school is having a talent show and Tommy and Jason are participating. The two meet up with Ernie and the others, who are having trouble keeping track of the props. Tommy then remembers that he forgot his and Jason's belts, so he runs off to get them. PLEASE tell me this isn't what causes Tommy to miss 90% of the episode.
We cut to the moon where Finster is, what else, making a new monster. This one is apparently a birthday present for Rita, so I guess it's special or something. He creates the monster, who is given the oh-so-creative name of Fang, and sends it down to Earth. Hey, remember in the last review when I said that the Weaveworm was the ugliest monster yet? I think Fang just topped it. He is one ugly sunuvabitch.
Back at the school, Bulk and Skull are sneaking around backstage before they're caught by the senior douche, Mr. Kaplan. Turns out they're part of the talent show too, with Bulk playing guitar and Skull playing cymbals, of all things. Skull then demonstrates his skills, which causes Kaplan's toupee to go flying, because that joke hasn't gotten old or anything.
On the moon, Rita discovers the existence of Fang and sends Goldar to help him out. We then see Tommy running around, practicing his awesometastic skills while doing so. Because he's Tommy. Rita finds out that he's near Goldar and Fang, so Finster sends down some Putties to head him off. Naturally, Tommy kicks all kinds of ass, but one of the Putties manages to snatch his Communicator. It then lures Tommy into an obvious net trap, which causes Tommy to drop his Morpher. So THIS is why he'll be out all episode. Even though him being captured happened already, but I guess a little originality is too much to ask for.
We cut to another area of the park where Goldar, Squat and Baboo are walking around. The dumbass duo come across some weird eggs and promptly eat them. Fang then shows up and gets pissed at them for eating his eggs. And apparently Fang is Mexican, for some reason. Fang looks ready to attack the monsters over this, which leads to an interesting idea. A monster that's not necessarily evil, but only associates with evil. It's similar to the idea used with Mr. Ticklesneezer, or whatever his name was, except Fang isn't purely good. There's no way they can screw this concept up, right? .....right?
Back at the school, Skull apparently switched to a bass guitar as he and Bulk practice, and actually sound pretty decent. The Rangers wonder where Tommy is, because he's always been so punctual. Zordon calls them and they teleport to the Command Center. Zordon fills them in on Tommy's capture as well as the appearance of Fang, who actually hasn't done anything evil yet but is treated as such. Yep, screwed it up already. The Rangers morph and head out to meet Fang.
They arrive and Fang initially refuses to fight them. Goldar tells him that they have more eggs for him to eat, but he has to beat them first. So Fang quickly changes his mind and fights the Rangers, though he doesn't do much besides use his claws and throw boulders at them. Goldar helps out, throwing the Rangers over a cliff and into a quarry. After briefly cutting to Tommy to show the Putties playing with his Communicator and Morpher, we head back to the fight, or lack thereof, since Fang walks off, still upset about his eggs. Rita reappears and promises to give him more eggs if he can defeat the Rangers. He agrees and Rita makes him grow.
The Rangers, of course, summon the DinoZords and form the MegaZord. The two fight for a bit, with Fang going on and on about his eggs. Jason even says that they don't have any eggs and that Rita lied to him. So, naturally, Fang keeps attacking them anyway. Because that makes so much sense. Fang eventually knocks the MegaZord down and goes to destroy a nearby dam. Tommy FINALLY breaks out of the net he was trapped in and defeats the distracted Putties. He morphs and joins the fight, summoning the DragonZord.
After the DragonZord fights Fang for a bit, the MegaZord separates and they form the DragonZord Battle Mode. It and the T-Rex Zord fight Fang for a bit, but then the DragonZord Battle Mode separates and they form the UltraZord. Sooooo, why didn't they just do that in the first place? They fire everything at Fang and finish him off, Rita vowing revenge.
Back at the school, The Rangers arrive and Zordon congratulates them on destroying the misunderstood monster who just wanted his eggs. Tommy and Jason put on their martial arts demonstration for the talent show and of course they kick ass. Bulk and Skull go on next and put on a silly, over-the-top cheesy concert. I guess it's supposed to be funny, but no one's really laughing at them. And at least they put on an effort, right? The group chuckles awkwardly as the episode ends.
This episode was just one big disappointment. Nevermind the plot meaning absolutely nothing (again), but the wasted potential of Fang makes this episode so much worse. Here you have a monster that can actually be sympathetic if you play your cards right, since all he wanted was his lunch. But nope, that'd be too different, so just make him stereotypically evil and have the Rangers waste him. The original Sentai episode was worse, though, since originally Fang laid those eggs, and the villains tricked Fang into thinking the Rangers broke them. And that episode ended with Fang getting destroyed too. Wasted potential all around, so skip this one.
You can't help put feel sorry for Fang. He just wanted his eggs. HE JUST WANTED HIS EGGS! Damn you Power Rangers! Damn you all! *sob*
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