So, the Rangers are in it pretty deep this time. If they don't find a way to get and destroy the aforementioned Green Candle, Tommy, their most powerful member, loses his powers. To make matters worse, Rita set loose the Cyclops, a shapeshifting monster that has been able to turn into copies of the Rangers own Zords. Is there a way they can get out of this? Let's find out!
We start off where we left off last time, at the Command Center. Zordon explains the Candle a bit more and says that one of the Rangers needs to go and put it out. Tommy naturally volunteers, but Zordon forbids him from doing so, saying that him being near the Candle accelerates the effects. Jason then volunteers, since he's the only other one who's been to the dungeon. Tommy doesn't want anyone else getting hurt because of him. Jason and the others tell him that he's a member of the team, and that they're willing to risk anything for him. I like this moment a lot, as it shows just how strong the Rangers have become as a group, and how close they are as friends. Alpha then finds where the Rangers can enter Rita's dungeon.
We cut to said dungeon as we see Goldar guarding a half-melted candle. Rita of course brags about how she's going to use the Green Ranger's powers to take over the planet, etc etc. Back at the Center, Billy brings out his newest invention, the molecular decoders, which look like weird lightning rods. He explains that, because the Putties teleported from the park to the dungeon, Jason can use the decoders to do the same. The Rangers get ready to go while Tommy thanks Kimberly privately for doing this. I liked Jason's small grin when he saw Tommy and Kimberly alone for the moment. I'm not sure why. The Rangers then teleport to the park, minus Tommy, who wishes them good luck.
We cut to the moon for a moment where Rita and Goldar tell the Cyclops the new plan: He goes down to Earth and impersonates the MegaZord, forcing the Rangers into battle, preventing them from getting the candle. Simple, but effective, though why he needs to be the MegaZord specifically isn't really explained.
The Rangers arrive at the park and start to set up the decoders. Problem is, Bulk and Skull arrive and want to know what they're up to. They banter back and forth for a bit and the segment ends with Bulk being trapped in a barrel and rolled down a hill. This was not a good moment for the duo. They weren't funny or even mean, but just flat out annoying. Plus, I think this is the first time they actually made things harder for the Rangers, at least in terms of vital plot. To paraphrase the Team Fortress 2 Spy: "Not their finest moment."
We cut to the Command Center where Tommy is still blaming himself for what the Rangers have to do next. The alarm goes off and Tommy sees the Cyclops disguised as the DragonZord Battle Mode attacking the city. Alpha offers to call the Rangers, but Zordon realizes that that's part of Rita's plan. As such, Tommy offers to go, even though his powers are decreasing and he'll have to face it alone. Zordon reluctantly agrees and Tommy morphs and arrives at the battle.
He summons the real DragonZord (again, taking slightly longer than usual) and it attacks the fake DragonZord Battle Mode, causing him to revert to his normal Cyclops form. The Cyclops then changes into the MegaZord and the two fight. They go back and forth with both sides getting their shots in. Tommy then does something new and actually enters the DragonZord, rather than just commanding it from afar. I guess the idea is to have more control over it. It seems to work as he causes the Cyclops to revert again. It tries the DragonZord Battle Mode again, but that doesn't work. It then turns the tables by fighting without shapeshifting, using it's own powers that include an eye lazer. You're surprised, I know. It then tries the T-Rex Zord, for some strange reason, but that doesn't work either.
Rita gets annoyed that the monster isn't winning, but Goldar reassures her that the Green Ranger power will be her's soon. At the park, the other Rangers get the decoders working, and a portal forms between them. They wish Jason luck and he steps through. He arrives at the dungeon and starts to fight Goldar. Oddly enough, the Cyclops seems to be beating the DragonZord. Meanwhile, the others are worried about Jason, thinking that he's taking too long to get the candle. Zordon contacts them and tells them to abort the mission to go help Tommy. Zack volunteers to go retrieve Jason and steps through the portal. Zack talks Jason into leaving, explaining that it's a choice between Tommy's powers or his life. Jason gives in and they leave. Jason promises the others that he'll go back after they save Tommy, so they morph and join the fight.
They summon the DinoZords and form the MegaZord. With the Candle on the verge of melting, the Rangers form the UltraZord and destroy the Cyclops. They quickly exit their Zords and return to the Command Center, but they're too late. The Candle goes out, and with it, Tommy's powers. All is not lost though. Zordon explains that if Tommy passes his Power Coin to another Ranger, he can prevent Rita from getting his powers. Tommy naturally chooses Jason and his powers transfer, indicated by Jason gaining Tommy's armor and Dragon Dagger. Rita is more pissed than ever, getting so close to winning again only to once again fail.
In a rather sad moment for this season, we see Tommy's powers disappear, indicated by his Green Ranger costume slowly fading away. Jason apologizes for failing to put out the Candle, but Tommy forgives him, saying he tried his hardest. He is, however, worried that this means he won't be with the group anymore, but Kimberly promises that nothing has changed and that he'll always be part of the group. This is, without a doubt, one of the best moments from this season, heartwarming and sad at the same time.
We then cut to the park where Tommy is practicing his karate. Kimberly soon arrives and the two start talking. I think this takes place a few days after the event, since the two talk about how Tommy's holding up and his absence from the team. Kimberly then delivers the heartfelt line of "I miss you", which is perfectly punctuated by Kimberly and Tommy's first kiss. If this was a live TV show, the audience would give a loud "woo", followed by applause. Tommy then finally asks Kimberly to the dance. Kim teases a no, but naturally says yes. Tommy picks up Kimberly in happiness as the credits roll, the episode ends, and the audience applauds even louder.
This was one of the best episodes of the season. The Rangers show how much Tommy means to them, not just in terms of a comrade, but as a friend as well. Jason risks life and limb to help Tommy, but ultimately fails, something that will haunt him for quite some time. Kimberly and Tommy's relationship finally takes the big step and becomes official, eventually becoming the first true romance many kids would see. And Tommy losing his powers would become one of the most memorable moments the season had to offer. In terms of battles, this episode delivered and then some. Having a monster that could alter its shape to other Zords opened up exciting possibilities, and the fact that this was Tommy's swan song only heightened the excitement. Thankfully, this episode met all expectations. One of the best episodes of the season, if not the entire series.
I'm sure some of you may ask, is this better than the Green Ranger Saga? Well, that miniseries was a five-part epic, a grand battle that had the Rangers take on their greatest foe yet and overcome seemingly impossible odds. It was an action-packed adventure and was exciting from start to finish. This two-parter was also good, but in a different sense. This one focused more on how close the Rangers were, not just as allies in battle, but as friends as well. They all seem to be legitimately concerned when Jason is stuck in the dungeon fighting Goldar. Not only that, but Jason and Zack deliver an excellent exchange that I didn't mention in the review:
Jason: If I don't put out the candle, Tommy loses his powers!
Zack: If we don't go help him now, he could lose his life.
That just put over the whole theme of the episode. They were willing to lose Tommy as an ally in battle, but they weren't willing to lose him altogether. This delivered a much better "friendship" message than all the other episodes that tried to cram it down our throats. In short, it's really up to the viewer which miniseries was better.
Will we ever see Tommy again, now that his powers are gone? Well, guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we?
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