Last time I was here, we just came off of the Green Candle saga, which wrote out Tommy's character and truly began his relationship with Kimberly. It also became Jason's biggest failure as a leader, at least in his eyes, which will be expanded on in later episodes. Not to mention the two episodes were just good in general. But now that that's over with we're back to the expected format with what I'm sure is going to be just another episode.
Incidentally, I like how, even though Tommy is now supposed to be powerless, he still shows up in the intro as the Green Ranger. Even when he's supposed to be gone, he's the forefront of the show. *coughJohnCenacough*
So we start off with the group getting set for a trip, with Jason staying behind to hang out with his cousin Jeremy. We get a weird, random gag with Trini bringing in some sort of brownies with snails in them. Apparently, they're popular in France. Wow, stereotyping in this show already? It must be the holidays!
After the Rangers sans Jason take off, we cut to the moon where Rita reveals her plan for this week: find the Mirror of Destruction to take out the Rangers once and for all. Why does this sound familiar? Oh yeah, it's like every other MacGuffin they've tried to use against the Rangers. I'm sure this one will be as successful as the others.
We then cut to the beach where Bulk and Skull are hanging out, devouring a "Sloppy Joe pizza". You know, I love pizza. I believed before today that I could eat any brand of pizza and not hate it. But after seeing the disgusting monstrosity that is the Sloppy Joe pizza, I'm almost turned off of pizza forever. Almost. Jason and Jeremy arrive and we get lame dialogue before Bulk challenges Jason to a fight. I have to give Bulk points for trying here, but the end result is just him falling into the grease pie on the ground. As expected. We then get more bad dialogue with Jason and Jeremy and...
You know what? I'm not going to bother. Yes, Jeremy's actor is bad. I should have expected this. The main cast is crap at times, so why should the one-episode-only characters be any different? I guess it's because Jeremy's actor is older than the other ones, but holy freaking crap, he is bad. What, did Saban just pick random people off the streets for these roles? He's just so bland and half-assed that it actually hurts. The only thing that makes him better than the other ones was that he said he wanted to be a Power Ranger when he grew up. And really, what kid watching this show at the time didn't?
Rita is pissed that Jason isn't with the other Rangers, so she sends some Putties down to take care of him. Naturally, Jason fights them off, and Jeremy doesn't get his ass kicked like a putz, so I guess he's not all bad. Afterwards, Jeremy and Jason go fishing, when Jeremy gets a bottle with a map in it. Jeremy opens it and magic sparks shoot out, which cause Jeremy to lose his brownie points with me by reminding me he still sucks as an actor. Jason goes where Jeremy can't see him to contact Zordon, who tells Jason to get Jeremy to safety. And he needed to call Zordon for him to do this? Why is Jason the leader again?
After Jeremy and Jason get a better look at the map, Rita exposits that it leads to the aforementioned Mirror of Destruction, so she sends Scorpina down to get it. Scorpina summons the monster in the title, The Rockstar. Ohhhhhh, it's a pun, because he's made of rocks. Ha. Jason gets Jeremy to run off with the map while Rockstar pins him down with magic rocks. Or something. They're kind of sparkling, so I'm assuming they're magic. Zordon contacts the other Rangers and they teleport to Jason, rescuing him by, wait for it...moving the rocks off of him. So why make them magic if they were just really heavy? And how did Jason survive getting hit with them, considering he was unmorphed? I guess we can just file this under "Unnecessary Distraction" and move on.
After the Rangers wander around the forest for a bit, Zordon tells them to go fight Scorpina and Rockstar. Billy runs off to find Jeremy while the others morph. Or, that's what's supposed to happen, except Billy's included in the morphing sequence. Even though he doesn't actually morph. I sense editing problems. They fight for a bit and Rockstar proves to be a pretty nasty villain, since he hits Zack and Trini with his magic magnetic rocks and throws them in a pool. See, if only more Power Ranger villains were that evil. They might actually accomplish something. Scorpina and Rockstar run off, leaving the Rangers to regroup.
After a useless scene of Jeremy getting chased by Putties, we get more fighting. And by that, I mean Jason and Kimberly fighting Putties while Scorpina and Rockstar laugh evilly. Wait, where are Zack and Trini? Did they drown? Are they on break? What happened? Back to Jeremy as he evades the Putties and starts following the map. Back to the Rangers as they start getting beaten by Scorpina and Rockstar. Back to Jeremy again as he finds the Mirror of Destruction, and like a dumbass, opens it and starts blowing shit up. Sadly, that doesn't include himself, but it does include Rockstar! What the hell?! The random, useless one-episode character gets to destroy the monster?! That's horseshit! He better come back as a giant or I am going to be mighty pissed.
He ditches the mirror and the other Rangers arrive to fight Scorpina. Kimberly grabs the Mirror and, of course, announces it, allowing Scorpina to attack her and get the Mirror. Way to go, Kim. Rita makes Scorpina grow, so the Rangers summon the DinoZords and form the MegaZord. The two fight for a bit, and apparently as long as they don't LOOK at the Mirror, they're fine. OK, whatever. Goldar joins in and they fight some more, until Goldar gets in the Mirror's view and Scorpina throws it away. The Rangers summon the Power Sword and smash it, which causes Scorpina and Goldar to retreat. Wow, that was fun. We then get a lame scene where Jeremy meets the Power Rangers, which is just filled with lame dialogue and the character's dialogue doesn't synch up with the suit actor's actions and you know what? I am not surprised at all. Let's move on. We jump to the Juice Bar where Jeremy is telling the group about him meeting the Rangers and the fight that took place and DEAR GOD HE IS TERRIBLE. I'm trying to not mention it but the fact that he just keeps talking and talking and talking doesn't help! The episode ends with Jason dodging Jeremy questioning his whereabouts at the time and the others laughing as they typically do.
Ugh. That's all I can say about this episode. Ugh. The plot itself was just another episode with Rita finding another MacGuffin to try and beat the Rangers and failing, with another monster thrown in for something to do. I would just view it as there if that was it, but Jeremy was so bad that it lowers this episode for me. No, it's not even that he was bad. It was that he was bad and that he was so prominent in the episode, that the sheer awfulness of his ability is constantly shoved in my face that I have to keep talking about it. Saban, if you're going to hire people for just one episode, make sure they at least have SOME acting ability. Especially if they're going to be everywhere in the episode. All in all, avoid this one.
One other thing I didn't like: For an episode titled "The Rockstar", the monster the episode was named after didn't get a lot of screen time, not to mention was killed off by the HORRIBLE ONE-EPISODE CHARACTER. He didn't even go giant! What the hell, man?!
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