So we start off at the school with the group talking about going scuba diving. Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't they JUST in a mountain cabin? Don't these guys ever take a break? Bulk and Skull enter the frame and talk about catching a ton of fish, presumably in the same area the Rangers are going. We then get a locker gag and Bulk tripping in a fishing net. Standard stuff. Billy then mentions that he won't be going due to some dislike of fish, and Kim won't be going either due to her setting up a picnic with Billy.
Now I know what you guys are thinking. Trust me, if Kim was cheating on Tommy with Billy, Tommy would've made Billy's head explode just by thinking it. I'm sure.
We move to the moon where Rita revels in this revelation regarding Billy's fear of fish. Goldar declares this the perfect opportunity to use the Goo Fish. I'm glad we're continuing the "fear" theme, because it does make for good TV if done right. We then move to the beach where Jason, Zack, and Trini are getting ready to go scuba diving. But not before Jason practically recites a "how-to" on the subject. I really have to wonder about this. I mean, what kid watching this at the expected age level is suddenly going to want to go scuba diving?
We then move to the park where Billy and Kim are hanging out, having their picnic. Billy displays his problem with fish again, causing Kim to ask why he was scared of fish. Turns out, as a kid, Billy had been playing near a lake, sticking his finger in and swirling it around. A fish took notice and bit poor kid Billy's finger. Since then, he won't even go near dead fish. Kim suggests that next time the group goes scuba diving that they go too, but Billy explains that he's reluctant to go anywhere near water, period. Oh, if he only knew...anyway, Bulk and Skull interrupt the peaceful mood, screaming their heads off when trying to reel in a fish, only for it to be a "No Fishing" sign.
Billy: Well, at least they're cleaning the environment.
Billy, I swear by everything you consider sacred if this turns into another environmental episode, you WILL be held responsible!
Oh, and Bulk and Skull wind up throwing themselves into the lake due to catching themselves with the fishing hooks. Because that's fishing comedy 101. Billy and Kim then head back to their picnic site to pack up and go surprise the others. Naturally, Putties show up, so we get the fight, the highlight being Kimberly giving a Putty The Most Epic Dropkick Evar. Well, next to Godzilla's of course...did I just inadvertently compare Kimberly to Godzilla? Anyway, she tries to contact the others to help, but they're still underwater, so they don't hear their communicators going off. Billy and Kim manage to take care of the Putties themselves, then Billy contacts Zordon and the two teleport to the Command Center.
Once there, Zordon fills them in on Rita's plan with the Goo Fish. We see it for the first time and dear GOD, is it ugly! I mean, I know the monsters are supposed to be either cool, goofy, or ugly, but WOW. The two morph and go to fight it, since it's attacking the beach and the others are vulnerable. After an unnecessary scene of the others swimming, we see Rita getting pissed that the Goo Fish is taking too long to kill the Rangers. Goldar gets the idea of Rita casting a spell on Billy to make his fear of fish worse. Which is a brilliant move, so I guess Goldar's badass cred is still intact. The spell works perfectly and Billy starts freaking out.
Zordon realizes what's going on and contacts the others, who are finally done their random dive. They morph and jump in to save the others as the Goo Fish retreats. Afterwards, they teleport to the Command Center and everyone puts over how bad the Goo Fish is. Even though he didn't DO anything besides make Billy curl up into a ball. Zordon tells Billy about the spell and that he needs to face his fears. The group tries to encourage Billy, but he's still a bit reluctant. Regardless, they morph and go to face the Goo Fish.
They fight for a bit with everyone doing fine, until Billy gets too close to the Fish. He starts freaking out again, allowing the Goo Fish to spray goo around Jason, Trini, and Zack and keep them in place. Kimberly tries to break them out, leaving her open to an attack from the Goo Fish. Finally, Billy regrows his balls and takes on the Goo Fish, somehow getting it to spray its goo on itself. After smacking it around a bit, Rita makes the Fish grow, so the Rangers summon the DinoZords and form the MegaZord.
The fight with the Goo Fish is incredibly lame. They just slap one another around until the MegaZord grabs its trident and breaks it. Then the Goo Fish freezes it in place with the goo, leaving it open to attack. But then Zack uses the same idea from the Knasty Knight episode (with the same footage, no less) of converting the goo into energy. Yeah, Deus Ex Machina is back. They summon the Power Sword and finish off the Goo Fish, right after it proclaims that they cheated. And now you know what happens when you question the Power Rangers. The MegaZord kills you.
We then move to the Juice Bar, where Billy walks in with Ernie after a fishing trip, proving he got over his fear easily. He even says that he'll join the others on their next scuba diving trip. Bulk and Skull walk in with a catch of their own: a jumbo can of tuna. Haha, Skull's an idiot. Bulk then sticks his head in Billy's bag to see what he caught: a lobster, now attached to Bulk's nose. Group laughs, episode ends.
I gotta say, this episode was pretty underwhelming. Billy's fear of fish could've been further delved into, especially since it was accelerated by Rita's spell. After the fight though, he was over it completely. The Goo Fish himself wasn't that great, besides incredibly hideous. It was sort of funny to have the Rangers try to put him over as the worst monster yet, which obviously isn't true. The whole episode just seemed awkward, almost forced, especially in terms of production. I can't really explain it, it just has this awkward feeling to it. Or it might be because it's a Billy-centric episode and I just learned of David Yost's interview...anyway, the episode isn't really good or bad. It's just there.
The Goo Fish. The most hideous creature ever associated with the animal kingdom.
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