So we start off at the Juice Bar with...Zack collecting donations and sad music playing. What's going on?
Sign: "Going Out Of Business"
...WHAT?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! Why in the high holy Hell would the Juice Bar be going out of business?! There's teenagers swarming all over the place practically every day! And I doubt Ernie giving away freebies as he typically does would harm business THAT much! Although, Ernie does come off as a generous-to-a-fault type. But still, this not only makes little sense, but it's freaking depressing!
Of course, Zack agrees with me once he's finished collecting donations. Billy reports that Ernie's pretty much broke and the donations aren't enough to do much. Jason soon walks in with a stray dog he found. OK, that's kind of random. We then see Bulk and Skull looking at a lost-and-found poster for said dog. Bulk takes down the poster with the intent to find the dog and claim the reward. Still not really seeing the connection-oh, wait, Jason will return the dog and used the reward to help Ernie. OK, crisis averted, everyone calm down.
But it wouldn't be Power Rangers without a monster, so Rita hatches her new plan to use her Fighting Flea to infect everyone on Earth with a wicked rash. How is this dangerous, again? Finster actually gets to use his Easy-Bake-Oven-Of-Doom for a change as we see the Fighting Flea and...meh. It's a flea monster, nothing unexpected.
Back at the soon-to-be-closed-but-not-really Juice Bar, the group gushes over the dog for a bit while trying to think of a way to save the Bar. Jason and Kim decide to take the dog for a walk, leading Bulk and Skull to see that they have the dog they're looking for. At said park, Bulk and Skull try to lure the dog over with what looks like a bone, but at the same time, it looks like a white piece of plastic. Before that can happen, though, Rita shrinks the Fighting Flea and places it on the dog, leading it to bite Jason and infect him with a rash. While he's distracted, Bulk and Skull manage to get the dog and run off.
Jason and Kim go to look for the dog, leading to them being attacked by Putties. The fight doesn't last long once Jason discovers that he can infect the Putties with the rash. This leads to them writhing around on the ground like fools while Jason just has a bad itch. Kim realizes that the rash is getting worse and they go to get some help. At the Command Center, Alpha analyzes the rash and Zordon fills the group in on the situation. The rash will spread if anyone touches the dog or Jason's rash, so Billy goes off to create an antidote for the rash while the others go looking for the dog. The group teleports away soon after.
We cut to the park where Bulk and Skull are making the call to the dog's owners for the reward. Of course, that's when the Fighting Flea decides to jump off the dog and scare the crap out of Bulk and Skull. After a random scene of Billy playing mad scientist, we see Kim and Jason wandering around a junkyard. The Fighting Flea appears and the two morph. Apparently just being in the proximity of the Flea causes Jason's infection to worsen...but not to spread to Kimberly, even though she touches him more than once. Meh, I'll just attribute it to the suit. The infection causes Jason to flip and roll around like an idiot while Kim gets her ass kicked by the Flea...without being infected. Again, suit.
Zack and Trini wind up finding the dog, safe and sound, back at the Juice Bar. How has no one touched the dog yet?! Seriously, it's a crowded bar/gym with plenty of teenagers! Ernie's business isn't THAT bad! Zack and Trini get contacted by Zordon, so they morph and join the fight. Billy does so as well immediately after creating the antidote. After they arrive, Billy sprays Jason with the antidote, removing the rash completely and bringing Jason back in. The Flea summons some Putties to help and the fight is on. After brawling for a bit, Jason beats up the Flea for a bit. And I have to point this out now...the Flea's voice is REALLY annoying. It's just so purposely grating and aggravating. Rita makes the Flea grow so the Rangers summon the DinoZords and form the MegaZord.
They actually fight the Flea for a little bit in Tank Mode before switching to Battle Mode. They brawl for a bit in some wannabe wrestling match before the Flea just uses some lazers on it. They summon the Power Sword and finish it off, as expected. Rita blames Squat and Baboo, for some reason.
Back at the Juice Bar, the owner of the dog comes in and the group gives Ernie the credit for taking care of the dog. She gives him a cheque for some unspecified amount, but of course it's enough to take care of Ernie's money troubles. And of course, Ernie goes right back to his old ways by offering the group free food. Bulk and Skull then enter, naturally itching like mad. Billy offers to give them the antidote: flea collars for the both of them. Group laughs, episode ends.
This one wasn't very impressive. The conflict with Ernie's Juice Bar closing down just seemed unnecessarily tacked on to get sympathy. It had very little to do with the monster plot, with the only real connection being the dog. Not only that, but it didn't make a hell of a lot of sense, especially considering Ernie's Bar is so well-known, it's mentioned ON THE RADIO. Why would Ernie suddenly need money if business was that bad? Is he really that generous? Or is there a side to Ernie we don't know about? A side that has debts to pay...anyway, not really all that great, you're probably better off skipping this one.
The Fighting Flea. Whoopie.
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