So we start off at the Juice Bar during "Parents Day". I wonder who this guy in a blue suit and bow-tie is? He wanders over to this muscular guy in red arm-wrestling with this older guy in yellow...with Jason and Trini watching...
These guys have parents?!
Amazingly, yes, yes they do. And if you haven't figured out by now who the guy in blue is, walk away now. Skull's wandering around with a video camera, for some reason, which allows us to meet Zack's parents too. Skull's parents are talking with Douchelan, and unsurprisingly, they're punks like Skull. Douchelan mentions Bulk and his parents, which leads to the sounds of tires squealing and the Juice Bar shaking. This leads to a shockwave causing the table to collapse, sending the cake right onto Bulk and his parents, who surprisingly, are not punks.
A short time later, Kimberly's parents arrive. I can tell because the mother is wearing pink. Trini talks to them and we learn that Kimberly hasn't arrived yet. Then Kim's mom mentions Kim's dad arriving as some other guy walks in. But why is she telling us this, her dad walked in with...ohhhhhhhh. Awkward...random extra mentions that Kim is outside, so Trini goes out to find her.
Up on the moon, Rita decides that now is a good time to capture the Rangers' parents. I guess she assumed they just didn't exist like the audience did, hence why she never tried this until now. It can't be because she's a bad villain, after all. Right? The plan is to use the Dramole monster to hypnotize the parents with its gas (that comes out of its armpits...ew), thereby holding them for ransom to get the Rangers to surrender. And why didn't she try this plan sooner?!
So we move to outside the Juice Bar where Trini finds Kim moping. As expected, she's thinking about her parents' divorce and is worried that her parents won't show up, which as we just saw, isn't true. The two start to head back inside, but Putties attack them. For some reason, the two are having trouble with them, so Zordon contacts Jason and Zack and get them to go help. After fighting them for a bit, and Goldar elaborating on the plan a bit, Dramole burrows under the Juice Bar and releases the gas. This somehow causes Jason's dad to overact like a mofo. They get teleported away afterwards.
Outside, the Rangers fight some more, while Billy arrives at the empty Juice Bar. Rita suddenly gets another plan: hypnotize Billy to get the Dragon Dagger. Um, why? That seems...random. Dramole releases more gas into the room to hypnotize Billy. The Rangers finish off the Putties while the hypnotized Billy teleports to the Command Center. Once there, Billy starts acting like a dick (which is AWESOME) and he disables Alpha. He somehow summons the Dragon Dagger into his hands and teleports away.
The Rangers enter the Juice Bar and start panicking once they learn that their parents have disappeared. They contact Zordon and teleport to the Command Center. Once there, Zordon fills them in on what happened with Billy and the Dramole, though he doesn't know where their parents are. Trini manages to reactivate Alpha, since she's the secondary techie of the group, and Zordon explains that Rita wants to use the DragonZord against the Rangers. Because that worked SO well the first time. Hell, she'd be better off repairing Cyclopsis. The Rangers morph and somehow teleport to the smoky dungeon from the Green Ranger and Green Candle sagas.
Once there, they try to talk Billy out of the spell, but Goldar just summons some Putties for them to fight. During the scuffle, Goldar manages to grab the Dragon Dagger from Billy, which somehow breaks the spell. Goldar then gives the Rangers an ultimatum: surrender their Power Coins to him or he'll keep their parents trapped in the alternate dimension. And what does this have to do with the DragonZord? Billy morphs and the Rangers head down to stop Goldar.
Goldar summons the DragonZord, which leads to it randomly destroying stuff like the Godzilla wannabe it is. The Rangers summon the DinoZords and form the MegaZord. Oddly enough, halfway through they suddenly skip the Tank Form. It looks like they messed up the editing somehow with this scene. The two fight for a bit and somehow the DragonZord kicks the MegaZord's ass. How?! The MegaZord tossed the DragonZord around like a ragdoll before! How does this make any sense? The Rangers suddenly escape from the MegaZord and meet up with Goldar.
Goldar orders them to decide, their powers or their parents. Naturally, the Rangers decide to give up their powers, and one by one, hand over their Power Coins. I have to admit, this is kind of an odd scene. Seeing the Rangers crying over losing their powers is a little disturbing. Of course, Goldar double-crosses the Rangers, taking the coins and teleporting away. Because he's evil!
After Rita gloats over winning, the Rangers are teleported back to the Command Center, where they watch their parents wander around aimlessly in the same dungeon from earlier. Zordon comforts the Rangers, saying they made the right choice, but the group wonders what to do now that Goldar has all the Power Coins. Until Jason reveals that he didn't give Goldar ALL the Power Coins, showing that he still has the Green one that Tommy gave him. We then cut to the Juice Bar, where the camera shows someone wandering in. The camera moves up and surprise, surprise, it's Tommy. He wonders where everyone is as part 1 ends.
This episode was a little odd. I still wonder why Rita didn't try the "kidnap Ranger parents plan" before now. I still don't see what the DragonZord has to do with the aforementioned plan. Of course, the return of the DragonZord kind of spoils Tommy's return, but now that he is back, expect plenty of badassery in the second part.
On a side note, this is, to my knowledge, the first usage of the "Go Green Ranger" song, just as Tommy's revealed.
Here's Dramole. Why does he shoot hypnotic gas out of his armpits, anyway? That's just gross.
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