So we start off at the Juice Bar, with Jason and Tommy teaching a women's self-defense class. Well, I guess there are worse things to do on a weekend. Kim and Trini help out with them giving various tips for those at home who happen to fill the category of "women who need help with self-defense". By the by, during this tip barrage, Tommy name drops the title of this episode.
Which leads to Rita wanting a two-headed monster this time. Because apparently her singular-headed monsters are all stupid. Hey, the Dark Warrior was pretty smart! But really, this is just another excuse to bring in the monster for this week. Back at the Bar, we get some random nonsensical crap about Ernie's new exotic fruit smoothies or something before Bulk and Skull arrive, wanting to take part in the class so they can meet women. I didn't mention this earlier, but most of the women in the class are 40 and over. I mention this now because apparently Tommy has a plan to get at the duo. After all, Skull was being sort of...creepy in regards to Kimberly. Seriously, I know Skull isn't that bright, but who would be stupid enough to SMELL a girl's hair when her boyfriend is standing RIGHT THERE? Especially if said boyfriend is Tommy Oliver. He will fuck your shit up.
We move to the park where Jason and Tommy are going over what they'll teach for the next class. Rita chooses this as the perfect time for her Two-Headed Parrot to attack. It does so and Jason and Tommy morph. By the way, this "Two-Headed Parrot" looks more like a giant rubber chicken with a face on its chest. It'd be funny if it wasn't so stupid. The Parrot winds up kicking both their asses, shooting its feathers at them and shooting...something out of the second face. Jason wants to keep fighting, but Tommy drags him away to get help from the others.
The Rangers teleport to the Command Center, where Zordon fills them in, explaining that the Parrot's two brains allow it to formulate battle strategies much easier. Billy gets the idea of distracting the Parrot with fruit to make it easier to beat it. Oh, THAT'S the point of the fruit smoothies! Yeah, it's still stupid. Tommy volunteers to go out and get the fruit, while the others stay behind to form a strategy. We then see Tommy wandering around the park, looking for fruit, while the others suddenly learn of the Parrot's second attack, along with some Putties. They morph and go take them on.
The Rangers beat up some Putties while Tommy finds the tree with the fruit he needs, "pamango" I think. Rita sends down more Putties to fight him, but he's Tommy fucking Oliver! Of course he kicks their asses without even trying. They still manage to take the fruit and teleport away. Wah-wah-wah-waaaaaaaaaaaah. Tommy gets another idea, so of course he heads to the Juice Bar and gets Ernie to give him one. Back at the plot, the Rangers are getting their asses kicked by the Parrot. Jason in particular loses his cool and gets throttled by the Parrot, all while it's berating him for not following his own rules of "teamwork". Tommy arrives with the pamango, which causes the two heads to argue over who gets it. Perfect opportunity for everyone to gang up on the Parrot and beat the crap out of it. Rita makes it grow, so the Rangers summon the DinoZords and form the MegaZord, while Tommy summons the DragonZord.
They fight for a bit and surprisingly, the Parrot beats up the both of them. Until Tommy somehow makes the DragonZord not suck and beat up the Parrot. Oooooookay. They summon Titanus and form the UltraZord and finish it off. Rita has another headaaaaaaaaache.
We cut back to the Juice Bar where the next class has started. Ernie gives Kim another pamango fruit "for the parrot". Basically, Tommy said he gave Kimberly a pet parrot to get the fruit. Hence the confusion. Bulk and Skull arrive and are shocked at the lack of "babes". Jason volunteers them to be attackers, so they get their asses kicked by the women in the class. Group laughs, episode ends.
So yeah, what did the class have to do with the monster? The "two heads are better than one" proverb? Weeeeeeeeeak. I really don't get why the writers can't come up with better subplots for these episodes. I know the kids watch this show for the monsters and the fights, but it wouldn't hurt to tie things in better. It's more filler, just skip it.
Seriously, how can anyone tell that that's a parrot, let alone a two-headed one? It looks almost like a featherless chicken.
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