By the way, Tommy's back in the intro, but Titanus is gone again. Poor Titanus, just can't catch a break.
So we start off at the school where Ms. Appleby is handing back some test that the class took. Billy gets his back and finds a big red "B" on it.
*AUDIBLE GASP!* A B?! Billy got a B?! Say it ain't so! This can't be true! Life as I know it is a lie! Billy, the Nobel Prize worthy genius didn't get perfect on a test! Game over, man! Game over!
OK, but seriously, that's the issue for this episode. Billy, the super-perfect genius, not getting a perfect grade. Oh, Ms. Appleby mentions something about a "Young Scientist Club Of America" and how you need the best grades in the class to get in, so I'm guessing that's a goal Billy is working towards. The others try to comfort Billy about the "B", saying it isn't that big a deal, but it naturally bothers him. Bulk and Skull act like idiots, only not funny ones. Especially when you consider that their characters get Ds and Fs constantly.
So, of course, we get petty Rita this week, as she gets Finster to make the titular Grumble Bee monster because of Billy's "B" grade. I can't even bring myself to care. Back at the school, the others offer to go to the park to take Billy's mind off of it, but, as predicted, Billy wants to get into the Young Scientist Club etc etc, so he decides to study for the next test. Trini stays behind to help him, so they move to the Juice Bar to study. We learn that, irony of ironies, Billy got a B because he got a question about bees wrong. What are the odds? We then see the others playing basketball in the park. The only real purpose of this scene seems to be to tell us that Tommy's at a karate tournament. Why give us an excuse for Tommy? You already have one from the last episode! We know he's not going to show up until the last minute, like always. Stick with the story, at least.
After more plotting from Rita, Putties attack the Rangers at the park. After they kick some ass with a basketball, which is pretty entertaining, Goldar appears and gets the Putties to tie up the Rangers with some glowing rope. So I guess those guys are written out until the monster appears. Alpha tries to contact the group when the monster appears, but Jason can't answer his communicator. Once Zordon finds out what happened to them, he contacts Billy and Trini and they teleport to the Command Center.
Once there, Zordon fills them in on both the other and Grumble Bee. It's here we first get a look at the monster and, well, it's a bee monster. Nothing unexpected. The two morph and head out to face it. Grumble Bee starts shooting stingers from its fingertips, Billy getting the worst of it. Turns out, the stingers have some sort of venom on them that's weakening Billy. The Bee then shoots ultrasonic waves at the two, hurting them enough to make a hasty retreat. Well, that was...short.
Back at the Command Center, Alpha starts working on a device that can scramble the Bee's ultrasonic waves, so Billy and Trini teleport to the park to try and free the others. Naturally, they can't touch the glowing, sparking gold rope. Zordon then contact them about Grumble Bee's second attack, so they morph again and go after it. After fighting for a bit, the Grumble Bee sprays yellow Silly String onto Billy, which is apparently a highly toxic acid, powerful enough to eat through Billy's Ranger suit. Huh, who knew Silly String could be so dangerous?
At the Command Center, Alpha and Zordon trade technobabble and they manage to free the trapped Rangers. Once free, they morph and join Billy and Trini. The Bee summons some Putties, but they are easily taken care of. Of course, their momentum comes to a quick stop once the Bee uses its ultrasonic waves again. Billy pops up, suddenly OK (the venom apparently wore off) and decides to take on the Bee solo. Alpha teleports some gun to Billy (which has the Triceratops coin symbol on it, for some reason), which sprays some white foam on the Bee that does damage to it. I guess. Rita makes the Bee grow, so the Rangers summon the DinoZords and form the MegaZord.
The two brawl for a bit, but since the Grumble Bee has both its stingers and ultrasonic waves, it's a bit one-sided. Until they summon the Power Sword, of course.
Bee: I bet that thing isn't even real!
...dumbass. They finish him off and Rita gets pissed.
Back at the Juice Bar, Jason and Zack brawl for a bit when Tommy shows up. So, why did they bring him back if they weren't going to use him? Tommy's bummed that Zordon didn't contact him so he could help out, but since he's low on energy, it made sense. OK, so at least they're continuing the story here. Billy walks and not only did he get an A+ on the test, but made it into the club. So all's well that...no, wait, we still have the last Bulk and Skull bit of the episode. The group walks over to them and find that they're...actually studying? Will wonders never cease? As it turns out, if Bulk and Skull don't get Cs on the next test, they'll have to be tutored by the top 6 students in the class all summer. The Rangers look at each other, realize that there's six of them, and immediately start to help the duo with studying as the episode ends. OK, that was kind of funny.
Well, this episode was what it was. Sure, the subplot had nothing to do with the monster, outside of some bad puns, and Tommy didn't show up, but this episode was just there. It's more filler, and if you walked in expecting filler, you got what you came for. I'm kind of disappointed at the missed chance of developing Billy and Trini's friendship a little more, but like I said, Trini always gets the shaft. This one isn't really worth your time.
Again, if you expected a bee monster, you probably already pictured the Grumble Bee.
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