So we start off at the Juice Bar with a group of cheerleaders practicing their routine. Kim and Tommy are watching, and Tommy mentions that Kim's cousin Kelly is in there. I'm assuming it's the girl moving out of sync with the rest of the group, since that would provide the subplot for this episode. Can I call 'em or can I call 'em? She moves away from the group, obviously frustrated with her inability to keep in tune and...ugh, just wonderful. Her child actress would have to be a bad one, wouldn't she? Kim goes over the routine with her, but Kelly still has doubts. This is going to be one of those "fast-forward" episodes, I can just tell.
On the moon, Rita gets pissed at the fact that no one's cheering about her, so she decides to use the titular Lizzinator to attack Earth while the Rangers are distracted with a kidnapped Kelly. Yeah, sure, why not?
Back at the Juice Bar, Ernie needs someone to go downtown to pick up supplies, because the delivery truck broke down, so Jason volunteers. He leaves while the others join up with Kim and Tommy. Kim goes over the routine with Kelly again, and again she has problems. She gets as upset as a bad child actor can get and runs off. We cut to a playground where Kelly is hanging around on the swings. Kim and Tommy arrive and Kim explains that she had to practice just like everyone else when she was a cheerleader, and that Kelly will get there through hard work, etc etc.
After Kim gives more advice to Kelly, Putties arrive and she and Tommy fight them off. They're quickly taken care of, but Kim stops just in time to see Squat and Baboo appear and kidnap Kelly, taking her to some cave in the middle of nowhere. Kim and Tommy run to the Juice Bar to inform the others and they all head off.
Meanwhile, Jason is getting the supplies Ernie asked for, which is the perfect time for the titular Lizzinator to appear. Jason morphs and takes him on and...oh dear God. They gave him a Schwarzenegger-like voice. Lizzinator = Terminator, I guess. He does prove his badassness, however, by THROWING A CAR AT JASON. Just...damn. He tosses Jason around for a bit, showing off his impressive strength, before getting bored and, with the obligatory "I'll be back", disappears.
We move to the Command Center, where Jason fills the others in on the Lizzinator, and the others fill him in on Kelly. Zordon explains that even with Tommy helping them out, the Lizzinator is too strong for them to take on, due to it being coated with indestructible metal from another galaxy. They discover that the Lizzinator is attacking buildings and abandoned cars again, so all six morph and go to take it on.
I guess they lose Tommy somewhere on the way, because it's down to the normal five as they take on Lizzinator and some Putties. For some reason, Lizzinator really has a thing for wrecking cars, as he's more focused on smashing one that's nearby than fighting the Rangers. Maybe it has to do with the Terminator crashing cars into buildings. Maybe. Jason goes to take the car from him, only to find a Putty inside of it. So, wait, the Lizzinator was going to destroy the car with the Putty inside? I don't see how that makes sense...what's even weirder is this next bit:
Jason: Putties can drive?!
*Putty starts driving the car towards Jason*
Jason: Yep, they can drive!
It then proceeds to drive around with Jason latched on top. Seriously, what is going on here?! Jason finally falls off and the car disappears into nothingness, while Lizzinator starts kicking boulders at Jason. OK, that's kind of cool. Then Lizzinator tosses a ridiculously huge one at him. Oh, wait, there's Tommy, just in time to kick the boulder back at Lizzinator. The two start fighting, which is perfect time to cut away and see what Kelly's doing!
We get some really bad acting from Kelly as she has an inner monologue on what to do to get herself out of this mess. She decides to teach Squat and Baboo some cheers. And then back to the fight. I'll try to hold in my rage for the end of the review. Tommy beats Lizzinator down, because his awesomeness can penetrate even an indestructible metal from another galaxy. Rita makes him grow, so Tommy summons the DragonZord. They fight for a bit with Lizzinator showing just how strong it really is, lifting DragonZord by the tail and swinging it around. This prompts the others to summon the DinoZords and form the MegaZord.
But wait! We can't fight yet! We have to see what Kelly's doing! She's leading Squat and Baboo in a cheer about Rita! Do you care? No? Fine, back to the fight. Lizzinator actually smacks around both the DragonZord and the MegaZord. He's so powerful that he can just blow on them and they get hurt. Until they summon Titanus and form the UltraZord, firing everything and finishing him off. Zordon tells the Rangers where Kelly is, and Kelly manages to annoy Squat and Baboo so much that they teleport back to the moon. Apparently, that was her plan all along. Yeah, I call bullshit on that one, kid.
After the Rangers rescue her, we cut back to the Juice Bar. Kelly spouts off some crap about how she needed to believe in herself and blah blah blah. Bulk and Skull then show up. OK, where the hell were you guys?! You could've saved this episode with some comedy! What were you doing that was so important? And for the love of God Bulk, WHY ARE YOU DOING YOUR OWN CHEER?! Stop degrading yourself like this, man! I know you constantly fall into things or have things spilled on you, but that is much more dignified than doing your own cheer to try and show up a 13-year old girl! He splits his pants and disappears, thank God. Kelly starts her tryout and...starts dancing? Whaaaaaaaaaaa? I don't know anything about how cheerleading works, but doesn't it involve, you know, a routine?! Not just random dancing to some bad early 90s rap?! Somehow, this causes her to get in and the episode mercifully ends.
It's amazing how an episode can have both good and bad moments. The Lizzinator is actually a pretty decent monster, even with the bad Schwarzenegger accent. It was actually impressive how strong he was made out to be. On the other hand, Kelly was just annoying. Yes, again, her child actor was bad, but why in God's name did they keep cutting to her in the cave leading Squat and Baboo in cheers in the middle of fights?! What purpose did this serve?! That she was gaining confidence? Bullshit. She could've shown confidence in any other way besides this. I don't care if they just tacked it on at the end, it would've been much better than this. Skip this one altogether.
Who knew Schwarzenegger was a furry? Although I'm sure there are better names to use than Lizzinator. Kind of gives yourself away.
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