So we start off at the Juice Bar with Kimberly practicing her gymnastics. After that, she tells Trini and Tommy that she's been accepted onto the game show "Trick or Treat". How a supposed Halloween-themed game show became the "number one game show in America" is beyond me, but I'm not complaining, it sounds cool. Although winning a car seems a bit much. Then again, it's a game show, so we have to follow the stereotypes. Trini promises to be there, but Tommy has some international karate match to compete in, which disappoints Kim, naturally. We then find out that Skull is her opponent for the show. Gee, what are the odds?
Of course, to go with the Halloween theme for this episode, Rita wants the Pumpkin Rapper to...
No, no, NO.
I did not just hear/type PUMPKIN RAPPER.
Dear God, NO.
Squat and Baboo planted the pumpkin seeds in the park, which will grow into a PUMPKIN RAPPER DEAR GOD WHYYYYYYYYYY.
We move to the set of Trick or Treat and everyone is dressed up in costumes, of course. Bulk is advising Skull to cheat his way through the show, as expected of them. The show begins and our Dracula-esque host introduces "Princess" Kimberly (all the Rangers seem to have a Medieval/Renaissance theme among them) and Eugene Skullovitch (Skull's dressed as an escaped convict and I think Bulk's a mummy). The objective of the game is this: Ask the host various trick questions. Successfully tricking the host earns you Pumpkin Points. The one with the most Pumpkin Points by the end of the game wins. This'll be...interesting, to say the least.
We then cut to the park with Tommy wandering around near the planted pumpkins. So much for that karate match, huh? Rita gets pissed that he's near the patch, so she sends some Putties down to fight him. And in the middle of the fight, we head back to the game show.
Kim asks the host if he can reveal the identity of the Power Rangers. Wait a minute, how is THAT a trick question?! That's just a question he doesn't know the answer to! I call foul! But, it works, and she gets a point. But then we move to the next phase of the game, the "Wicked Wheel Of Misfortune". Hey, wait a minute! Wasn't there a monster called the "Wheel Of Misfortune"? And didn't it suck copious amounts of ass?! Has Saban forgot the names of some of their own monsters?! Or are they trying to be clever and referencing one of their earlier creations?
After a clip of Tommy fighting in slow-motion, for some reason, we see Kimberly getting strapped onto the "Wheel of Misfortune" and getting spun around. And then Tommy wins the fight with the Putties and Kim gets three more points. Wait, she just had to spin on the wheel for a while to get points? This game show makes no sense!
Tommy contacts Zordon about the strange pumpkins, but Zordon tells him to go on to his karate match, and he'll contact him if the Rangers need him. Back at the show, Skull successfully tricks the host by asking him if he knew Bulk's name. Again, HOW IS THAT A TRICK QUESTION?! Although I do like the host's response.
Host: What friend?
Hehe, it's funny because Skull's not popular.
Skull then has to play the "Wicked Web of Disaster". Basically he has to grab three flies from the web in 10 seconds before the spider gets him or something, I doubt they'll follow these rules as well. He starts to grab the flies, but the spider pops down and sprays him with white stuff (shut up), so I guess he loses.
Alpha is watching the show at the Command Center, and learns that Kim needs to trick the host just one more time to win. Before we see that happen, however, the Pumpkin Rapper (WHYYYYYYYYYY) is officially born, so Zordon contacts the Rangers. The others signal to Kimberly that they need to go, so Kim shows off her acting skills by pretending to faint. The Rangers take her off stage while Bulk and Skull celebrate Skull's win by default.
The Rangers teleport to the Command Center and Zordon fills them in on the evil pumpkins. The smaller ones can attach to people's heads and actually suffocate them.
Zordon: The Pumpkin Rapper will try to distract you with his clever raps and rhymes.
*furious twitch*
The Rangers morph and go to find the Pumpkin Rapper (WHYYYYYYYYY). Once in the patch, all the Rangers except Kim get pumpkins stuck on their heads. I have to admit, it's kind of funny how the suit actors try to get the pumpkins off. Kim uses her Blade Blaster to smash the pumpkins, but the other pumpkins rise up and become...Putties with pumpkins on their heads. Uh, I thought that prevented someone from breathing? Oh, whatever. The Rangers beat down the Pumpkin Putties, which turn back into pumpkins once they're defeated, but begin to have problems with the numbers. They spot a larger pumpkin that will probably become the Pumpkin Rapper, so they go over and wake it up...with a bad rap.
I'm going to hate the next bit so much, I just know it.
The Pumpkin Rapper appears and he's just like you'd expect, some scarecrow thing with a pumpkin head. Bad rapping aside, the fight starts. After beating up more Pumpkin Putties, the Pumpkin Rapper wraps up the Rangers in vines. Which allows him to shock them. Of course. Zordon decides now's a good time to contact Tommy, which he does so right before he goes out for his demonstration. Awwwwwww. Tommy morphs and joins the fight, freeing the Rangers from the vines. He then distracts the Pumpkin Rapper while the others combine their weapons into the Power Blaster and finish it off. Rita hates everything.
Back at the Juice Bar, Kim and Tommy are comforting each other over how they both had to lose something to fight the Pumpkin Rapper (AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH). Bulk and Skull arrive in the new car, but someone from the game show's standards and practices commandeers the car when it's discovered that the two cheated. Somehow. Bulk gets his costume caught in the door, it spins him around as the car drives away, Kim and Tommy laugh, episode ends.
This one was a pain. I'm all for a Halloween-themed game show, but when the host can't even keep track of his own rules, something is seriously wrong. And also, the Pumpkin Rapper (GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH) has become my least favourite monster ever. Why did they need to make a rapping pumpkin monster?! What thought process was behind this? "Dur, well that there rap music has got pretty popular, we should incorporate it badly into out kids show!" One of the things I hated about the 90s...skip this one.
The Pumpkin Rapper. Just...WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!
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